Ch.XVI Am I a good person?

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Church bell is ringing when Derek and others arrive in town.

Delmaster town is just a small town like Tuscane. Everything looks fit and proper here. Clean streets. No sign of zombies yet.

Derek asks, "Anyone brought money?"

His teammates shake their heads. They are here to loot some foods. Money is the last thing they would bring today.

Harris says, "Hopefully they are kind enough to share us some foods."

Derek rolls his eyes. Old fashioned geezers. No one will share foods nowadays. They will take them by force if necessary.

Today is Sunday. No one in the street. Everyone must be in church. The townsfolk are really religious lot. Not even a single man around in town.

Derek and the others start to loot anything edible into their truck.

The church bell is still ringing.

Derek got curious and he decides to check it out.

Harris asks, "Where are you going?"

"To the church. We need to warn these lambs about zombies."

"Never know you are a devoted christian, Derek," teases the middle aged man.

They head for the church. Leaving the Chinese guys to guard the truck.

The bell is still ringing at a certain interval.

Derek and Harris got into the church. The seats are full. They sit on the back rows. No sign of a priest. Only a bride in a wedding dress.

Derek walks to the altar. He must warn these folks before the zombies hit their peaceful town.

"Excuse me, miss?" asks him.

The bride turns around.

Derek gasps. She is no longer a human. He stares around him. The pale faces. White pupils. Blood are dripping down from their mouths.

The zombies attack him at once. He pushes them. Hacking them with his axe. Kicking and killing them while heading to the exit. Harris shoots down some zombies. And somehow they made it out alive.

Running toward their truck with zombie hordes chasing them.

Derek swears he won't be doing good act anymore. No more Mr. Nice guy.

The truck leaves the town at once. They nearly halfway to Tuscane when their radio makes a noise. Derek turns it on.

"Don't return! Don't return! God! Tuscane had fallen! Zombies are here! Everywhere!"

The transmission ended. It's Erin. It ended briefly. Erin might have been killed by zombies. Derek mourns for the brave woman.

Harris asks, "What now?"

Derek says, "You heard her. We have no place to return. We must keep going."



This shit hole got no food," complaints Stanley.

They have been rummaging houses. Killing a lot of zombies in the process. Still only two cans of tomato soup so far.

Gonade is a small farming village near Tuscane.

"Let's head further," says Wesker.

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