Ch XX Future combat team

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"Your worst enemy could be your best ally in peril time"



Ling's fever has gone down slightly. It has been three days since she got bitten. Still not turning into a zombie yet.

Todd has carried her into the van he has found. They are traveling to San Francisco at the moment.

Suddenly few men block their van. All of them are wearing gas masks.

Who are they? Soldiers?

But the flags on their uniforms are red. Definitely not American flag.

One of them points a gun to Todd's head

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One of them points a gun to Todd's head.

He orders, "Open the door."

There's a weird accent when he speaks English. Todd has to comply because the roadblock in front of him. And a gun, which pointed to his head.

A soldier has entered the van. Pointing a gun to Ling's head after he has seen her wound.

Todd yells, "Don't shoot her! She has immunity against the virus. It has been three days and she hasn't transformed into a zombie yet."

The soldier uses a walkie-talkie to speak to others. In Chinese language. So they are Chinese soldiers.

Why are they here? In America?


A soldier is driving the van right now. Todd is sitting next to Ling.

She has just regained consciousness. "Water..." asks her.

Todd gives her an open bottle of water to drink.

Todd asks, "Where are you taking us?"

"Refugee camp," replies a soldier next to him.

Another soldier is controlling a drone. He is wearing a VR helmet, which connected to the drone. The eye in the sky will warn them if zombies were heading their way.

It doesn't take them long to reach the camp. It's stationed just a bit north of the crater (used to be San Francisco).

Todd's eyes widened when he sees the crater.

He yells, "You took the chance and invade us! You rotten eastern mongrels!"

Ling stares Todd with a questioned look on her eastern face.

Todd says, "Sorry..."

She's a Chinese too. He loves her. And he didn't mean to offend her.

A soldier next to him says, "Your president launched the nukes to five largest cities in USA. We have to come and stop his madness. Before he blew up the entire nation."

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