Ch.IX Coming home

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"Stop!" yells a blond woman while blocking their truck.

J.D curses and hits the break instantly. Nearly runs over that crazy woman.

The woman has run toward their truck. She looks strangely familiar.

Erin? No, Erin isn't a blondie...

Fate is cruel. She hasn't meet another human being for days. And the first man she has seen has to be him. Jack Daniels.

"Hello, Jack," greets her.

Trying to act as normal as she could. Although her heart is beating very wildly.

"Erin? But your hair?"

"I dyed it. Only temporal. Thought it would give me fresh looks for Christmas."

Wesker has climbed down from the back of the truck. He says, "Cut the reunion short, Missy. You aren't coming with us."

Erin stares him. He really looks familiar although he is much older now.

And she asks, "Aren't you Albert?"

Wesker asks, "Do I know you?"

"Erin Rosetta from Tuscane."

"Oh, yes. You're that girl. I think your hair is red?"

"I dyed it."

Stanley complaints, "We are freezing out here."

Jack says, "Derek, move to the back. Let Erin sits in front."

"No way! You still owed me money for the barbwires and other stuffs."

"It's donations."

"Crap! I'm staying here."

Wesker says firmly, "She got blood on her. Might be bitten. Can't risk taking a Zombie back home."

Jack says, "It's my truck. I said she could come."

Erin says, "I had to kill some zombies on the way here. It's their blood. Not mine."

"Prove it, Missy. Strip your clothes for us," says Wesker.

O'Neal whistles. Erin's face reddened.

Did he just ask me to strip my clothes? In front of all these men?

Did he just ask me to strip my clothes? In front of all these men?

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(Albert Wesker, leader of mercs)

Albert Wesker was the one who brought the sad news to their home. He sadly informed that her father was killed in Iraq. He stayed for a fortnight in their home. Erin and him used to be close.

What happened to him? He wasn't such a cold hearted man before.

Wesker sneers when he asks, "Can't do it here? Let's go behind that tree over there. And you could strip for my eyes only."

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