Ch.VI Ambush!

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J.D is installing Todd's radars on the woods at certain intervals. He uses some nails to fix its position. He's almost done. Just three more radars.

Behind him, some men are chopping down trees. They are using hatchets. Farmer Joe should have gone with them. But he hadn't shown up. His shotgun would be very useful if some zombies show up.

Three more trees got cut down.

J.D says, "It's enough. We better head back before dark."

They tied some ropes to the logs and begin to drag them.

Suddenly Todd's radars create static noises. J.D got alerted. He kicks the logs downhill.

And he yells, "Run for your life!"

Eerie groans could be heard close by. A man got dragged down. Bitten, torn apart into four pieces by few Zombies. Others got eaten alive.

Too many zombies have surrounded them. J.D hacks down some zombies whom block his path. Heads rolled down, blood spurting from their necks, painted the snow into red carpet.

J.D kept running for his life. Few men are running ahead of him. Ten men have gone to the woods earlier. Only four returned alive. The zombies hadn't followed them. It seems they don't like sunshine. Just like Todd has said. Sunlight blinded them.

J.D orders, "They hadn't followed us. Come on! Lift the logs to my truck!"

Derek protests, "Are you nuts? We should just get out here. Now!"

Stanley says, "Jack is right. We need these logs. We would freeze to death if electricity failed us."

Rye says, "Do it fast. I don't want to be here when they come for us."

Derek grumbles while helping the others lift the heavy logs to the truck.

J.D's old truck leaves the spot soon afterwards. Right on time. It would be sunset soon.

Derek is sitting next to J.D, the driver.

He asks, "Did you see their faces? Those zombies... I think they were the ones buried in old cemetery outside town.

J.D is silent. Derek is right. Those Zombies were their close relatives and friends. More than 300 folks died due sudden death. Now they have risen again as Zombies.

Rye is whimpering while Stanley is praying continously behind them. Sunset has arrived.

Zombies are swarming down from the woods behind them. Too many to count.

Derek urges, "Come on, man! Step on the gas!"

J.D's truck moves faster like a speeding bullet. Well, he wishes for it to happen. Nope. His old truck just moved top of its snail speed.

Fortunately the zombies limbs are weak. Soon they got left behind.

Two miles before town, the truck breaks down. It won't start. J.D curses.

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