Ch.XI Civil War

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This is bad!

Refugees from other towns have arrived in Tuscane. They are hungry and hostile. Mayor Thomas tried to talk to them. Trying to calm them down. And a refugee has stabbed him with a knife. Some Tuscane citizens quickly rescue him from that spot.

Clashes with the refugees occured few times, killing half of Tuscane's citizens.

Right now the refugees have occupied southern parts of the city. They have made blockades to prevent the Tuscane citizens to enter their part of town. Or letting them leave town.

"What's going on here?" asks J.D. He stops the truck. Barbwires have split the town into two portions. It looks like a weird military camp instead their peaceful little town.

A gun is fired toward them

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A gun is fired toward them. So J.D moves his truck away from that spot immediately.

Erin who sits next to him asks, "What's going on, Jack?"

"Don't know. You know, Derek?" asks J.D.

Derek replies, "I never see that shooter before. The man next to him is also a stranger to me."

Jack stops the truck after they are quite far from town.

Wesker and the others jump down from the back of the truck.

He demands, "What's going on here? Why they are shooting at us?"

"We don't know! It wasn't like that when we left town!" replies J.D.

Toshi suddenly says, "Refugees. Block leads them."

Wesker curses for a while.

Derek asks, "Who's Block?"

"Blockhead. Cunning and ruthless. He organized some refugees from San Francisco. They seem to love your little town."

Jack asks angrily, "You mean they took over our town?"

"And probably your food supplies. We better leave and find another place to crash, boys."

O'Neal and Toshi nod.

"No wait! You can't just abandon us like that!" protests Erin.

Wesker asks, "What do you propose, honey?"

"Save us!"

"I'm nobody's hero," says Wesker coldly.

"What happened to you? You weren't like this before!"

"Maybe you were the one who got illusions about me. A war hero or something..."

Jack grabs Erin's hand. And he orders, "Let's go, Erin. Must be another route to our town."

Derek says, "From north. Passing old cemetery. You know what waited for us there, Jack."

Both Jack and Derek are silent. Cemetery means zombies

lairs. Rye suddenly says, "Old School."

Stanley nods. There's an old abandoned school in the southern part. They never use it anymore after the new building got finished.

They could sneak into northern part of town from there.

Wesker says, "Guess we parted here, boys. It had been fun. Erin, won't you come with me? I could guarantee your safety."

"I could watch my own back now, Pop."

Wesker laughs a little. He really likes this tough woman. A weak, frightened teenager girl. She has really grown up into a strong brave woman.

Wesker and O'Neal have walked away but Toshi stays behind.

Wesker asks, "Are you coming, boy?"

Toshi replies, "Help them."

"Damn it! Not your samurai code again. That thing has no use in real life. We are mercs!" complaints Wesker.

Suddenly J.D offers, "Mercs, right? How about we made a deal?"

Wesker grins wickedly, "I'm listening, boy."

"Tuscane would be your new base. Fresh trainees, chosen from our townsmen. Better than moving around, isn't it? Bigger chance of survival. Sooner or later, a zombie might eat you or your crews when you made a mistake,' proposed Jack Daniels.

"And the women?" asks Wesker while staring at Erin.

"Keep your hands of them. Or our deal is off," says J.D coldly.

Both Rye and Stanley agree with him. Derek is only silent.

Erin mocks, "You are waiting for this offer, aren't you? Sly fox!"

Wesker only grins and he asks his crews, "What do you think?"

Both O'Neal and Toshi nod in unison.

Wesker says, " You got a deal, mate. I never rape a woman. But I never turned down an offer either."

He winks to Erin. She just pretending to see another way.

Wesker asks for their village map so Jack draws it on the snow using a dry branch. Stanley and Rye try to fill in the blanks for him. Derek is only silent. It's odd for him to be silent like this.

Plans were made and carried out at once. They are going to infiltrate the town through old school. There's an old tunnel, which connects to the northern part of the town.

It should end near the hospital. The name hospital suggested a large hospital complex. But here in Tuscane, it's only a two storey building.

They rest in a small hunting lodge outside town. No one is using it during wintertime. The mercs have cleared the area around it first before they enter the lodge.

 The mercs have cleared the area around it first before they enter the lodge

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"Are you okay, Erin?" asks J.D.

"I just couldn't understand him. He didn't act like this years ago," replies her.

"People change, Erin. You changed too. The hairdresser I knew would scream over a tiny cockroach. And now you are smashing zombie heads," teases J.D.

"Life won't get easier. I just have to get tougher. Still I would prefer cutting hair instead of smashing heads," says her.

Wesker overheard it but he says nothing. He told her that phrases when they parted years ago. And she still remembered it till today.

Back when he still believed heroes existed and order should be maintained. When he was still a foolish young soldier.

Now he's just an old Merc, tired of fighting.

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