Ch.XVII Worst enemy

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"In crisis time, a true leader shall know what to do,"



"How's the situation on land?" asks the old man.

His secretary replies, "No safe haven in America. Zombies have taken over our country. Our last defense base on land has been recently destroyed."

The old man rubs his face. He says, "I'm the last president of a dead nation."

Mac Donald, 69 years old, president of USA always believes his country is the strongest nation in the world.

But his army has failed him. No military base is still active. Most of his soldiers have been slain or joined the zombies.

Right now he is in Air Force 1. A special airplane for him. The plane takes off few hours ago after their previous hideout succumbed to zombie hordes.

Suddenly someone made a video call to them.

The large screen shows a masked man.

He greets cheerfully, "Good morning, America. Did you enjoy my little gift?"

The president asks, "Who are you?"

"No one important. Just another guy you hurt, America."

The masked man adds, "When I was just a little boy, I always dreamed to go to America. To join NASA and became an astronaut. To the moon and other planets."

Mac Donald says, "Quit blabbering, young man

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Mac Donald says, "Quit blabbering, young man. Just state your wish."

"You attacked my country

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"You attacked my country. You ruined my life. All my family members was killed that day. My dream changed too. I dream to destroy America. Its name shall be wiped out from history. You ask for my wish? I wish you all to enjoy the hell I created."

The masked man laughs heartily before the screen goes dark again.

Mac Donald says, "Gather the staff members. This is an act of bioterrorism. We will hold a meeting."

"Yes, Sir," says his secretary, Sean Donnelly.


Mac Donald says, "Reports, general Aberson."

The middle aged man next to him replies, "No report, Sir. All of our men down there have been obliterated. These are the images taken from our satellites."

The general presses a button and images are shown on the large screen. Zombies are roaming in big cities. Destroying everything in their madness for meat.

More images show the same events in different cities. Zombies are everywhere in America. From big cities to smaller towns.

Mac Donald asks, "Reinforcement from NATO?"

"Obliterated like ours. In just two days."

"How about Japanese?"

The general replies, "They refused to aid us after what happened to NATO forces."

"Traitors! We have been good to them for years!" curses the old president.

The general advises," The only country who could help us...might be China or Russia. Their military strength are almost equal to ours."

Mac Donald's face turn reddish blue in his rage.

"Traitor!" yells him.

The general says calmly, "Sir, we have no other options left. We have to ask their helps."

The president pulls out a handgun from his belt and shoots the general.

"Death penalty for traitors like you," says Mac Donald.

The president points his gun to his staff members. And he warns, "Anyone who dare to advise me to ally with Russia or China would share his fate. Understand?"

Aberson smiles while drawing his last breath. He made a secret agreement with China two months ago. About a secret weapon. He knew their crazy "cowboy style" president won't be able to save their country.

The old general has stopped breathing. But he strangely has a smile on his face. He believed the Chinese would deliver as promised.

Mac Donald says, "Get me the launching code."

"Sir?" asks his secretary.

The gun is pointed to his head. Sean's mouth is wide open like a dying fish, gasping for air. His widened eyes are staring to the gun.

The president says, "The launching code for our nukes. I'm going to blow those zombies away."

"You can't,Sir!"

"Are you ready to die, Sean?"

The secretary finally gives him the small black briefcase. Inside it, there's a small device with a button to launch nukes to any destination the president desires. 

The crazy president has inputted coordinates for five major cities in USA.

The large screen immediately shows the targets. San Francisco, Los Angeles , New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago.

"God had sent America the zombies because we had ignored Him for too long. Now let's pray," says Mac Donald.

His staff members stare at each others. They know their president is a bit goofball.

Launching nukes to their own cities?

That's beyond madness.

"Sir! You must abort!" protests one of his bodyguards.

A  bullet strikes his head instantly.

The nukes have been launched. Satellites show the cities have been obliterated. Leaving only scorched giant holes in their once magnificent cities.

America has been destroyed. Not by "his enemies" (China or Russia). Not by terrorists. Not by zombies. But by his own president, Mac Donald.

The staff members stare each others. They couldn't believe what just happened. Today is the end of America.

MacDonald has ended millions of life. Humans and zombies alike.

Please vote and comment:)

Good citizens, use your vote.
Choose your president wisely.
Don't end up with someone like him because you are too lazy to vote

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