Ch XII Who's your ally?

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"No use. His fever is getting worst," says Todd while changing the mayor's head compress.

A refugee has stabbed him during negotiation. Thomas got wounded on his belly.

Todd and others did everything they could to patch him up. Still Thomas' condition is declining fast. He needs antibiotics for his wound.

Ling says, "What should we do? No doctor or medicine here."

Todd says, "There might be some drugs left in the hospital."

Thomas suddenly grabs Ling's arm. He says, "You are back, Ling. Don't you know I miss you so much?"

Todd says, "He thinks you are his late wife. Keep talking to him. Try to ease his pain a little. I'll be back with medicines."

"Okay. Be careful," warns her.

"I will."

Easier said than done. The hospital is located at the southern part of town. The refugees have taken control of it.

What to do?

Guards are patrolling the grounds on a certain intervals despite the cold temperature.

Todd is hiding behind a building in southern part. He manages to infiltrate this far.

What now? I still have to pass those guards.

He is still planning his next move. Unaware of a club, which swinged to the back of his head. Todd collapses to the ground with a thumping noise.

 Todd collapses to the ground with a thumping noise

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Where am I?

There's a large bump on the back of his head. And it hurts a lot. A Chinese guy is holding a large club in his hands. Todd is imprisoned in some kind of warehouse. He has been tied with a strong thick rope.

The Chinese guy looks really familiar with his slanted eyes and big nose.

Todd finally remembers him. And he asks, "Aren't you Jacky Chan?"

The guy looks really upset. He says, "My name is indeed Chan. Why everyone kept calling me Jacky?"

On second thought, he looks far too young to be that famous movie star. Must be below fifty years old. Maybe in his early forty. Hard to define his true age, all asian folks often look youthful beyond their years.

A tall bulky figure has just entered the warehouse. He is Block, leader of the Tuscane southern fraction.

He asks, "Intruder, eh? Why you didn't kill him on spot?"

Chan replies sourly, "I killed zombies. Not humans."

A gun is pointed to Chan's head instantly.

Block asks, "Full obidience, understood?"

"Yes, Sir!"

The gun is lowered. Then it's pointed to Todd's head.

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