Ch.XIII My first zombie truck

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Todd heard the news. Block just captured more intruders. And he has seen Derek among the Chinese guys. J.D and others must have been captured.

He asks, "Chan, could you take me to the intruders? I wanna talk to them."

"Nope. My head would roll down."

"Please. At least take me to Block. My brother's among the captured man."

Chan hesitates only for a while. Chinese folks have great loyalty to their family. Saving a brother is a must to do task for them. He seems to see Todd in a brand new light.

Chan says, "For a skinny fellow, you are quite brave."

"Thanks, I guess."

"Follow me."

Chan leads him to a warehouse. The same one Todd was held prisoner the other day.

Block is lashing a guy when they arrive. The prisoner is a stout man. His hands are tied to a post  above his head. His feet could barely touch the floor. He is half hanging, only standing on tiptoes.

Like Block, he looks like a soldier. No matter how hard he got whipped, he makes no voice at all.

Block grabs Wesker's neck. And he mocks, "Not so tough, huh? If you pleads for mercy, I would give less lashing."

Wesker only grins. Block got angry and he continues lashing Wesker in his rage.

Todd looks another way. That guy sure is tough. He would have screamed in highest pitch if he were in his shoes. Pleading for mercy with tears flowing down his eyes.

Suddenly Block notices them. He asks irritatedly, "Why are you here?"

Todd replies, "You got my brother and Stanley. I want to free them."

"Get lost. And do your job before I wring your skinny neck."

Todd says stubbornly, "No other man like Jack. He could be a plumber. A carpenter. A stone masons. Anything you wanted, he could built it for you."

Block asks, "I want a Zombie crushing truck. Could you built it, Jack of all trades?"

Jack responds, "I always wanna be a blacksmith."

"Good. Jacky, take him to the workshop. And get that skinny guy out of here. Fix the damn radio."

Jack says stubbornly, "I won't leave without my friend, Stanley here."

Stanley says, "Jack, don't be stupid. Just go."

"I won't leave you behind."

Jack stares to Block and he says, "Stanley is a good fighter. And he is a  strong fellow. It will be easier to built the truck with his aid."

Block lashes J.D few times and he squeals whenever he got lashed. But J.D holds firm his ground.

Block finally gives in. He says, "Fine. Jacky, take them to the workshop."

The chinese guy cuts the rope which binds Jack and Stanley's legs together. Then they follow him to the workshop. Todd takes his last glance to the poor prisoner hanging.

The guy winks to him.

What a strange guy?

Blood is dripping down from his back and head. Still he could smile as if nothing out of ordinary.

Toshi and O'Neal close their eyes. They couldn't see when their leader got abused like that. Block is their worst enemy.

Wesker whistles and makes Block even angrier. The brute lashes many times more till he felt tired.

Then Block says, "Next time zombie hordes come, I will put the three of you in front line. Bare handed. I would love to see those monsters feast on your flesh."

Wesker only grins.

Block spits on Wesker's face before leaving the warehouse.

Wesker's smile fades immediately.

He says, "Sorry, guys. It seems we have reached end of line. It's nice to fight with you all."

O'Neal whistles once.

Wesker says sadly, "Sorry, old pal."

He sighs.

"I couldn't kill that brute. The world has no justice," laments him.

O'Neal lost his voice cord when Block hits his knee to his neck. It happened when he refused to kill a kid during the war. They got an order to annihilate the whole village. Killing everyone including women and children.

Both O'Neal and Wesker defied that order. Block punished O'Neal for defying the order. Wesker nearly killed Block that day. Wesker and O'Neal were sent to military court and then to jail.

Ten years in prison for defying a stupid order. Then they became mercs, hands for hired. They met Toshi, the quiet lone samurai in a mission. The Japanese warrior took a liking to them. And they have been together ever since that day.


"Hi, how is it going?" asks Derek.

He has waited for them outside the warehouse. And he acted as if nothing has happened.

"I'm going to kill you!" yells J.D angrily while leaping forward.

Trying to strangle that traitor. Derek looks choked. His face turns slightly blue.

Stanley grabs J.D from behind. He says, "No use. Just leave that wimp alone."

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean all of these to happen!" apologizes Derek.

"Tell it to Rye!" yells J.D.

Derek looks devastated.

The others have left that spot. Todd is going back to fix the radio. J.D and Stanley are heading to workshop. To built their first zombie truck.

Dismantling spare parts from various vehicles. To built two zombie trucks. Fortified its doors with solid steel.

A steel made bull like horns at it's front. Sharp razor caps to protect the wheels from damage. Spikes on the roof and back side of the truck.

Holes on either side of the truck. So the passengers could shoot the zombies if necessary.

"Looking good, Jack. You should be a blacksmith," teases Stanley. Jack only smiles while hammering a plate.

Jack is worried sick about Erin.

Where is she? Did Block hurt her?

He would find her. Right now, he must built a truck and makes Block happy. Then he will ask permission to meet her.

A zombie crushing truck.

Ultimate vehicle to fight zombies.

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