Ch.VIII We are saved?

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"Why I have to come too?" asks Derek irritatedly.

Jack says, "Because you have been to the neighborhood."

"You just wanted me to be killed," complaints Derek.


Last night Jack had a dream about Erin. She's going away for good. Won't be coming back. And he has been in a very bad mood since he woke up this morning.

 And he has been in a very bad mood since he woke up this morning

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They are inside J.D's old truck. He finally has fixed the old rusty bucket. Two other men are sitting behind them , on the back of the truck.

The town is running out on foods. So the Mayor has sent them to gather some foods from a nearby village. And J.D took Derek with him 'cause he's the one who has ventured a lot outside their town.

It starts to rain so Jack stops his truck under a store's awning.

He say, "We could start from this store. It looks abandoned."

Derek says, "It's a book store. We won't find anything here."

"Just humor me, D. It's better if we didn't venture in the rain. The chill might kill us."

They enter the store together. No zombie is seen at first. Just a quiet bookstore in a farming village.

"Look! A vending machine!" says Jack while approaching it.

Suddenly an arm tries to pull him from behind the machine.

"Take this!" yells Derek while cutting off the arm with a sharp machete.

The arm fell of to the floor. More arms have shown up from the grate behind the machine. It seems the Zombies are in the basement.

Jack orders, "Grab any foods you find and get out of here!"

He pushes some crates to block the stairs to the basement.

Derek quickly smashes the glass of the vending machine. Taking all the snacks and chocolate bars from it. The others go to loot anything they could find in here.

J.D orders, "Go! They are coming this way!"

They leave the bookstore before the zombies could break through the crates.

Fortunately the rain has stopped.

J.D says, "We need to find the grocery store, D."

Derek says, "I know the way. Take the left turn from here. Yes, this one. And then go left again. Now, head straight. It should be around the corner...That one over there. The one with the red roof..."

The truck stops in front of the grocery. Jack leaves the engine running incase they need a quick escape.

The grocery store looks empty.

Ugh! Something smells rotten here!

Wilted vegetables and fruits. Blood covered some parts of them. Todd has warned them. Do not take home anything that isn't wrapped in plastic. To avoid virus infection.

An eerie groaning from the back of the building.

J.D orders quickly, "Grab everything you could take."

Most shelves are empty as if someone has looted them. But they still manages to get some cheese, wine, dried fruits, canned foods and some soaps.

Jack frowns while staring to the soaps in Derek's hands.

"What? I need my beauty soaps," complaints Derek.

Something is grappling his left foot. Jack looks downward. A zombie is trying to bite him. He has lost his lower part of body. It still hasn't stopped him from trying to bite him.

J.D kicks it's head hard and it's rolled away. Its headless body collapses to the floor, creating a pool of blood around it. More zombies have crawled out from beneath the shelves. All of them have lost their lower parts. From their torso downward.

"Run!" yells Jack.

The others don't need to be told twice. They run out of the store instantly. Jack curses. Some zombies are gathering around his truck. Biting its metal body.

"Come on! We need to kill them!" orders Jack.

"Are you crazy? We have to flee from here!" protests Derek.

Stanley says, "We won't make it far on foot."

Rye is silent.

Their quarrels have attracted the zombies around the truck. They are coming this way now.

J.D says, "Fight back, guys."

"I'm fleeing!" yells Derek.

Suddenly a gunshot is heard. And another one and another one. Killing the zombies precisely on their heads.

A black hooded man suddenly jumps down from top of another truck. He kills the rest of the Zombies with his sharp weird looking sword.

Jack has seen one of those blades in old ninja movies. A katana, a samurai's sword.

What the hell is going on? A samurai in California, America?

The guy stares them after he singlehandedly killed all the Zombies. Black eyes, black hair, definitely Asian.

A man behind them says, "Say hello, Toshi."

The hooded man is still silent. The man behind them looks around forty years old. A stout looking military guy. Gray eyes, grey hair.

He introduces, "The name is Wesker. He is Toshi. Never yelp much. Hey, everything is okay up there, O'Neal?"

A guy up there whistles as a sign everything is okay.

J.D asks, "Who are you guys?"

Wesker replies, "We are freelancers. The government paid us to take down San Francisco. Fifteen men went out. Only three of us escaped that hellish town alive."

In short, they are mercenaries for hired.

Jack says, "Thanks for saving our life. We must be going now."

Derek says, "They must come back with us. Tuscane would be safer with them around."

Wesker asks, "Tuscane? Been there once. Lovely small town. It's still exist? How about the zombies there?"

Derek replies, "We took care of them."

Wesker whistles twice. And he yells, "O'Neal, get your fat ass down here! We got a safe haven!"

Jack groans in his heart.

Stupid Derek!

He has invited ruthless mercenaries to their small hometown. Don't know what would happen next.

The old truck is heading north. Carrying five passengers on the back.

Jack scolds, "You just invited strangers to our town."

"We need strong fighters, Jack. We couldn't hold off the zombies forever on our own."

"I hope you're right."

Is it wise to invite them to their hometown?

Please vote and comment:)

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