𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬.

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Youtube High-school! "God, I love rainy days

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Youtube High-school!
"God, I love rainy days."

Same Night

It was getting late so Valerie, Emily, and I walk out of the party room and the three of us walked to our dorm. When we finally get there Emily went to her room, said goodnight, and fell asleep. Valerie and I walked to the kitchen to get a little snack. "I really can't believe I met the pals." I smile, opening the care package and taking out a box of Pocky.

"I love their youtube videos. Elijah is pretty cute." Valerie says, blush coming across her face while getting a pop tart. "Ooh! Sounds like someone's got a crush!" I reply, teasing her as she laughs. We both walk down the hall as I tell her, "Imma go to sleep, okay?"

"Sweet dreams!" She replies with a smile and walks into her room, shutting it behind her. I walk into my room and close the door behind me. I open one of the small boxes and look for some pjs. I chose on something soft and velvety and put them on. I begin to take off my makeup before turning off the lights and walking over to my bed.

I snuggle under the covers before turning on my phone and go on to twitter to see that I was tagged in a tweet,

I snuggle under the covers before turning on my phone and go on to twitter to see that I was tagged in a tweet,

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I laugh before scrolling through the replies. Many of my fans and his fans began shipping us, a smile formed onto my lips before and I turn off my phone. It began to rain a bit outside, hearing the rain drop relaxed me all the time. I wish it rained more, but it hasn't in a while. So, tonight I'm lucky.

I get up from my bed, tiptoeing towards my closet. I open it and grabbed my hoodie, and my vans. I only unpacked a little bit though. I grab my phone and placed it in my pocket and began to walk to the front door. I slowly closed the front door behind me and ran outside the building and jumped on top of a puddle.

I begin to play and laugh, enjoying this time, since it barley rains here. "God, I love rainy days." I say as I look up at the sky, a rain drop falling onto my face as I smile. It was so rare for it to rain in LA. My phone rings and I check I got a text from, my brother, Daniel. We ended up going to different high schools, just like all of our other friends.

private chat 💭👀
includes daniel 🦜 and bree 🎡

how was the first day
of highschool for u?

school hasn't officially started but
i met some youtubers wbu? 😆

i saw the tweets..
#subree huh? 😏
also i made a lot of friends

can't believe i'm trending!,
i'm happy to hear that 😎

anyways i'm going to go play cod
bye noob 🌝

bye loser 🗿

As I walk back to the dorm my phone rings again, a notification of my friend, zaharia's spam account. I haven't talked to her in a few days. I really missed her.

ZAHARIASPAMS posted just now !

ZAHARIASPAMS, the first day of high school was HELL

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ZAHARIASPAMS, the first day of high school was HELL. thanks to the girl who dropped her lunch on me infront of whole freshman and sophomore lunch!

USERNAME, that's really sad
ZAHARIASPAMS, tragic even

( zaharia and 5 others liked this comment )


BREEVELA, keep ur head up, princess 😏
ZAHARIASPAMS, miss u, the boys, and the girls so much. 💜


Bree's & Emily's
Exhausting Bonker Thoughts!

So, i'm trying to subtly introduce the new and previous characters from our other books in the, "This Is Us." series! ❤️

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