𝐕. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨.

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Youtube High-school! "Okay! I'm on my way!" ───────────────────────

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Youtube High-school!
"Okay! I'm on my way!"

Same Day

After we were done setting up the equipment I changed into a different outfit and walked into the living room and see Sub, Emily, and Valerie. Someone knocks on the door and Valerie opens the door. Alex, Denis, Elijah, and Braden walk in. We all walk into my room. We're a lot of people so i don't know how this will work!

"Let's tweet our fans and tell us to ask us questions!" Denis suggests and we all agree. A few minutes pass and our phones start to flood up with notifications of questions. "There's so many questions!" Valerie yells, staring at her phone. "I know!" Elijah replies showing his phone towards her. "Okay, lets begin the video!" Alex yells with a smile.

Sub presses record and everyone poses. Alex smiles, Valerie makes a vogue pose, Corl waves at the camera, Sub jumps onto the bed, Emily sticks out the middle finger jokingly at the camera while Denis swats her hand, "Profanity!" Denis adds, Bree yells "Hey my, cool cats and kittens!" as Elijah dabs. "Hello! If you're new, hello and if you're not welcome back! Today we are doing a Q and A with some special guests!" Sub says to the camera.

"Yes, thank you for asking us questions on twitter!" Emily says as Valerie smiles. "Okay, so this is the gang! We'll start counter clock wise." Alex says and claps. "Is it bad that I don't know what counter clockwise is?" Bree says and the group laughs. "First question is for Denis, dogs or cats?" Alex says looking up from his phone.

"Dogs for sure." Denis replies shaking his no. "No, I'm kidding! I', a cat person for sure." He adds and laughs. "Show us your best dance moves, everyone." Sub reads the question and everyone starts dancing. Valerie dances and she then falls off the bed. "Ahh!" Valerie yells as she hits the floor. "Oh my god!" Bree says and laughs.

"Rip head phone users." Emily says pointing at the camera and making a sad face. They all laugh as Valerie gets back up. "I'm okay people! Don't worry!" Valerie says and the laughs resumed. "Okay, ooh, my turn." Emily says as she gets the phone passed down to her.

"Have you ever got into a fight?" Emily reads as she smiles. "Yes, many times!" emily adds with a laugh, looking at Bree and Valerie. "I sense a story time?" Denis says looking at Emily and she smiles. "So, this isn't one of my first fights, but my besties and I were hosting a halloween party. The "mean girls" showed up to the party and caused a scene. So, we started smack talking and then she pushed me so I punched her and everyone was cheering for me. Let's say she never messed with me again...until the homecoming dance when she paid three girls to attack me and my two other friends, Kaylee and Anna." Emily says with a proud smile.

"Exactly! Emily is a bad bitch and Brook is a sad bitch. Now its my turn." Bree says as she grabs the phone looking for a question. "Ooh, this is juicy. What was your first relationship?" Bree reads and laughs. "Well, me and this person weren't dating since long distance, but we went on a date once, liked eachother a lot, basically a cute summer fling." agree says with a smile remembering Y/n 2 from Summer camp.

Now it was Sub's turn, he read the question which is, "Would you ever go to Disney with The Paps and The Girls and vlog it?"

"Yes, I would actually vlog it! And if ai could go to disney land I would like to go with these weirdos." Sub says smiling and points at everyone behind him. "My turn! So, the question is "Anu ships you like?" Well, my favorite ship is actually United States Ship! It's an awesome ship! Nah, I'm just kidding, but I think Doro all the way." Corl says as he playfully blows a kiss to Denis and everyone laughs.


When we were done filming we all watched a movie and when the movie was done Denis, Sub, Alex, and Corl left our dorm and left to there on dorm. Today was such a fun day! Elijah and I were playing around and I'm not going to lie he's pretty cute. Hopefully, I get to know him and the rest of The Pals more!


Bree's & Emily's
Exhausting Bonker Thoughts!

This my fav chapter lmaooo! Also, some of these references in the chapter like the fight and the summer fling was from our books
"Girls Female X Reader" and "Summer Camp Male X Reader"
it has some matured parts like kissing and uh sex, but yeah! Check it out if you guys like!

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