✧ the beach ✧

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[ Chapter 21: the beach ]

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[ Chapter 21: the beach ]


[ Word Count: 1019 ]

[ Warnings: none ]

[ AUTHORS NOTE: this is a long chapter so, hold onto you wigs! also, i wrote this book on another acc and i wrote it with friends! we were in elementary and obsessed with the pals. now we're older and we're not attracted to them, but we like the book so yeah! ]


after breakfast we went to pack clothes, snacks, and blankets for the beach. the blankets are to lay on and we also took an umbrella. we all get in two different cars (including marley) and drive to the beach. i go with marley, bree, and braden drives. alex drives the other car and valerie, sub, and elijah go together. braden parks the car in a parking lot in front of the beach and we all take something to carry. "god, it's so sandy!" braden complains. "we'll, it is a beach, braden." bree says and laughs. "guys, i see a good spot that we can all put our things at!" alex yells and runs off.

we lay down our stuff and set up the umbrella and put down the blankets. sub and elijah went to the pier to buy some more snacks. i was playing on the sand like a six year old when i felt someone pick me up. "AHH!" i yell and see it's braden. "put me down, braden!" i yell jokingly and laugh. "okay!" braden yells and throws me into the water.

"is that better?" braden says with a laugh and then sticks out his hand so he can pick me right up. i grab his hand and pull him into the water. we splash around and start laughing.

i look around and see denis and emily digging alex into the sand. valerie and marley are laying on the blankets probably waiting for the food, but where is bree and braden? i look at the water and see braden splashing bree and she yells, "stop!" i drop the snacks and run to the water and push braden further away from Bree. "she said stop!" i yell at him as i hold onto him.

"can you let go of me?" braden tells me. "i was joking around." bree then said rolling her eyes at me. "oh, i thought he was probably hurting you." i tell them letting go of him. "why would i hurt her?" braden then asked looking at me. "right..." i say softly, feeling dumb.

"thanks, though..." bree tells me and she gets out the water and braden follows her. i get out, too and we all start eating. "is someone going to get me out of this sand?" alex says and i look at him and he's stuck in the sand. "nah." valerie says looking at him and laughs and elijah laughs, too. "i'll get you out." Marley says and smiles and Alex. "thanks, marley." alex says with a smile.

"SHIP!" emily and denis yell. everyone begins to laugh and continue to laugh. "do you guys want to go to the pier?" alex asked after he was out of the sand. "yeah, let's go, but let's put all this stuff back in the car." elijah says.

after we put all the stuff away in the car we walked to the pier. i walked next to ale and we pass a game booth. "i'll win you that puppy plushie!" he says as we turn around and look at it. "i'll like to see you try." i say with a smirk. "oh, i'll try, alright!" alex says and starts playing the game. he makes the three hoops in and wins. the girl running the booth gives alex the plushie and smiles at him.

i look at her and then Alex. "see, i told you i was going to try." alex says and hands me the plushie. "thanks, alex" i say grabbing the plushie and hugging him.

"no, problem! now why don't we go find a arcade?" alex asked me. "sure!" i say and we go to find an arcade.

the whole crew and i walk to a roller coaster. accept marley and alex who were probably playing some games. "can we get on? please, please!" i say pointing at the roller coaster. yeah! let's do it!" elijah says. "elijah, imma sit next to you!" i tell him and he smiles. "okay! let's all get on!" bree says and then braden says, "alright!"

"emily, want to get on?" denis asked emily. "of course, let's go!" emily replied. "last time i got on a roller coaster it didn't go so well so i'm not even going to try!" sub says. "i'll wait for you guys." he then adds.

we wait in line and finally we got on. "let's take a selfie!" i say and we all take a picture together. "okay, lets get on!" emily says. we all take our seats and the ride starts. it starts slow and then it takes us really quick. "OH MY GOD!" i hear elijah yell and i laugh. "HERE COMES THE PICTURE PART SMILE!" braden yells and we all make a pose.

when we get off the ride we see our pictures. on the picture i take the peace sign out and elijah puts bunny ears on me. braden and bree are laughing and smiling. finally, denis and wmily are making hearts. couple goals! i buy a few photo copies for all of us.

after we got off the ride and start walking towards, sub. "that was so fun!" bree yells in excitement. "i bet it was." sub rolls his eyes and i think i was the only who noticed.

[ 1 Hour Later ]

the rest of the day we all had fun getting on other rides. we found alex and marley and we all get on a. few more rides and play games. today was so fun. after a while later we left back to YouTube High. we all say our goodbyes and the girls and i go into our dorm and the boys go to theirs. today was so fun!

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋.Where stories live. Discover now