𝐈. 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲.

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Youtube High-school! "I've a whole new dress

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Youtube High-school!
"I've a whole new dress. I'm ready to show it off!"

August Fourteen

Hi! I'm Bree Velas! Today is finally the first day and my new fresh start at Youtube High School! My two best friends Valerie and Emily are also coming with me on this crazy ride! Emily is the one I've known longer! She does doing Gaming videos while Valerie does DIYS and Makeup tutorials! For me I just do Vlogs and Story-time videos due to my crazy life! School doesn't actually start until two more weeks! Those two weeks will give us time to prepare for school, make friends, etc!

Oh and did I mention Youtube High School is a boarding school? We get dorms that we can share with other students meaning we get to live here! From all my research this school is HUGE! That's what she said...Ah! Anyways. They have a really scenic courtyard as well and much more of course which would take way too long to explain.

"Beep...Beep...BEEEP" My sailor moon clock rang as I yelled, my eyes quickly opening. "What?!" I yell, getting up and looking over to my clock. "Huh? Oh shit! I'm late!" I yelp as O check the time and run over to my closet. I grab a pink sweater, a belt, and my favorite plaid skirt:

I packed all my bags the day before, and put them in my car already so that's that! "C'mon! We have to go! We're going to be late!" I yell as I drag my parents outside the house to drive me to my new high school

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I packed all my bags the day before, and put them in my car already so that's that! "C'mon! We have to go! We're going to be late!" I yell as I drag my parents outside the house to drive me to my new high school. "I've to meet emily and valerie at the red gate, right?" I ask myself as I sit in the backseat, eagerly twiddling my fingers and. bumping my knee up and down.

"We're here!" My dad says as I say goodbye to them and quickly take all my stuff out. "Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I'm late!" I yell as I see them walk up to me with a cart for all my things. Or at least most of them. "It's fine we gotta go!" Valerie says as Emily helps put all my bags onto the cart. "Okay, okay!" I reply as I wave goodbye to my parents and drag the cart with Emily since she's so strong.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋.Where stories live. Discover now