✧ listen before i go ✧

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[ Chapter 28: listen before i go ]

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[ Chapter 28: listen before i go ]

i'm sorry!

[ Word Count: 833 ]

[ Warnings: SPOILER: bones broken and talk of depression ]

[ AUTHORS NOTE: this book is coming to an end and the sequel is coming out! ]


three months later
ten in the morning

i get up from my bed and walk to emily's room. i n one more month our freshman year of yt high would be over and we would be in our sophomore year! i was pretty excited now.

valerie and bree were out for a youtube video project for school. "hey, wanna go out today?" i ask emily as i stand from her door frame.

"ooh, yes! where to?" she asks getting up from her bed and walking to her closet. "maybe the park? play on the swings? i don't know!" i say with a smile. "the park it is! lets take valerie's car!" she says as she takes out an outfit.

"alrighty! let me get ready." i say as i walk back to my room. i look around my closet and grab an grey sweater and some shorts:

i walk outside of my room and emily walks out of her room wearing:

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i walk outside of my room and emily walks out of her room wearing:

i walk outside of my room and emily walks out of her room wearing:

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we walk to the kitchen and i grab valerie's keys. we walk to the parking lot and get in the car. a few minutes later we arrived at the park.

i began to tell emily about how i had a friend named osani who i would go to the park with! "we would play all day." i say with a smile. "aww, how old were you?" emily asks as we walk to the swings.

"about ten maybe until i migrated here, to the us!" i reply with a smile. "i'm finally getting my papers soon and turning into a us citizen." i explained. "i'm so happy for you!" emily replies as we began to swing.

"thank you!" i reply with a smile. "i bet you can't swing higher than me!" emily says laughing. "oh really? watch this!" i say as i begin to swing faster. next thing i new i was on the floor with a broken leg, arm, black eye, and a bruised lip.

"oh my god!" emily screamed getting off the swing and running to me. "this is all my fault are you okay?!" she added terrified. "i can't feel my body!" i screamed in fear.

emily quickly took out her phone to text 911. everything felt like it was in slow motion. she quickly then texted her friends.

[ cuz i'm a celebrity group chat 🙄🤚 ]

em ☕️

bby bree 😚
holy shi
i'll be there in ten or fifteen

val 🍭
please tell me she's okay

mi novio 🎈
oh my god
are u guys okay

em ☕️
i am
i don't think marley is going to be
where's alex
she keeps asking for him

eli 🍊
we've not seen him all day
i just checked his room
all his stuff is gone

ale 📍
i'm so sorry
tell her all of this for me
i love her so much.
i've to go.
we'll meet again soon my love.

em ☕️
are u okay?
what are u talking about.

bby bree 😚
don't do anything stupid.
are u okay?!

val 🍭

ale 📍
i'm sorry.
i wanna see the world one more time before i stop breathing.
if you need me, you better hurry.
i'm leaving soon.
there's no way out, u guys can't save me now.
i love u all.
and i'll miss you guys.
but i'm sorry.

ale 📍has stopped sharing his location
ale 📍has left the group chat

em ☕️

eli 🍊
his last location was at LAX

em ☕️
i'm typing for marley
she's crying rn
what are we gonna do?

subway 🥪
u guys go to the hospital
i'll go look for alex
if i can make it in time
but where would he go and why?

bby bree 😚
no idea and good idea
meet u all at the hospital
tell marley to hold on tight

val 🍭
lets go


alex was thought the only way to live a better life was by escaping. leaving his best friends and the live of his life. he was batting depression for years. as soon as he met marley it felt like everything was a bit better.

but amazing things last for a while. he still loves her. he felt like there was no way out. out of this illness. it was like a five year headache. it changes you, it changes him. he wasn't okay, he felt scattered.

alex walked into the plane. ready to leave, start over in england. he looked behind him to see the city of la. he weakly smiled and boarded the plane.

"sorry." was all he could whisper remembering all the memories he had made with his friends. he hoped one day when he got better he could come back to la. one day.

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