𝐈𝐕. 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐛.

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Youtube High-school! "Okay! I'm on my way!" ───────────────────────

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Youtube High-school!
"Okay! I'm on my way!"

Next Day

Today I'm on my way to ask Gree if she'd like to colab with me and The Pals, for our channel. Bree texted me her dorm number so we can go and hang out. I walk to her dorm and I finally get there. I knock on the dorm and a small asian girl greets me. "Hey!" I tell her and she smiles in response.

Behind the girl, there was Bree standing with a soft smile. Her pjs were pretty small causing me to stare. "Hey, what's up?" Bree says, walking towards the door, the smaller girl walking away.

Bree leans against the door, looking up at me. "H-hi Bree." I stutter before clearing my throat as a tint of blush comes across my face. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She asks me with a smile, tilting her head to the side. "Oh right! I was going to ask would you like to colab with me and The Pals?" I ask her. "Sure! What kind of video are we going to do?" She asks looking at me.

"It would be a Q and A video. If that's fine with you?" I add. "Yeah! I'm fine with that. Who's going to be in the video?" She asks while sitting in the couch beside Valerie as I follow behind her.

"Alex, Denis, Elijah, Corl, and me. You can invite your friends to do it with us!" I reply smiling. "Oh, awesome! Valerie wanna join?" Bree asks Valerie. "Yeah! I would love to join!" Valerie replies. "Wanna film in my room? I'll go ask my other best friend." Bree asks looking back at me. "Yeah! let me text The Pals to come over." I reply taking out my phone.

"Oh okay! I'll set up the equipment for filming and I've a question." Bree says turning back at me. "What's the question?" I told her. "You guys will bring your camera right?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Yeah! Don't worry." I reply with a smile. The three of us walk into bree's room and we begin to set up equipment and we were waiting for the rest to come here.

"Val, can you text Emily if she wants to join the colab?" Bree asks as she sets up her filming equipment. "You got it!" I say as I take out my phone and text Emily,

private chat 💭👀
includes emily 🎮 and valerie 🎀



hurry and come back to the dorm!
the pals wanna do a q and a with us!

👁 👄 👁

As soon as Emily got back to the dorm she said hello to Bree, Sub, and Valerie. Emily then ran into her room changing into:

Emily gets out of her room and sees sub on the couch

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Emily gets out of her room and sees sub on the couch. "Where are the girls?" Emily asks as he looks up from his phone. "Oh, they're getting ready." He replies. A few minutes pass and Bree walks out of her room wearing:

 A few minutes pass and Bree walks out of her room wearing:

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And Valerie:

"Let's get this show on the road!" Valerie yells with a smile, throwing a hand in the air as the rest cheer for her

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"Let's get this show on the road!" Valerie yells with a smile, throwing a hand in the air as the rest cheer for her.


Bree's & Emily's
Exhausting Bonker Thoughts!

So, basically The Pals and The Girls are going to do a Q and A video 😋 Also yeah, this is a filler!

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋.Where stories live. Discover now