✧ the letter of love ✧

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[ Chapter 29: the letter of love ]

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[ Chapter 29: the letter of love ]

when your love never was for me.

[ Word Count: 471 ]

[ Warnings: none ]

[ AUTHORS NOTE: can't believe this book is already over. get ready for the sequel! ]


three years later
senior year of yt high; graduation day

it was finally senior year of yt high. the whole group graduated top of their classes. they were all hard workers and all the all nighters, stress, and pain payed off for this very day.

the four girls had elegant dresses for their last day. they all looked beautiful and blossomed as young adults. their parents proud in the crowd expect for marley's.

how much she wanted them to be there they couldn't. they weren't able to leave australia for her graduation. maybe next time, right? college.

emily wore a beautiful blue dress. it looked just like cinderella's custom dress. emily was and is a princess. actually, no, she's the whole queen.

 actually, no, she's the whole queen

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bree wore a pastel pink dress. one right out of her wish list. she longed for this day to come and it finally did. she was living her dream now.

marley's dress was a silk white dress that met to her feet

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marley's dress was a silk white dress that met to her feet. the dress was gorgeous and elegant just like marley. deep down she still wished alex and her family was here, to congratulate her.

valerie is a bubbly, bright girl

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valerie is a bubbly, bright girl. the yellow dress she got for her special day fit her perfectly. personality and outfit wise. she looked stunning.

after the graduation after party the girls went for dinner

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after the graduation after party the girls went for dinner. after dinner they went home and relaxed. marley was feeling tired so we went to her room, locked the door, and turning off the light.

the girl sat on her desk and took out a pen, paper, and turned on a small light above her. she began to write a letter. the letter of love.

dear, alex
can you wait a minute
let me spill out my feelings for you
you may not care, but can you listen
im gonna pour my feelings out on this letter
but now they're missing

i came committed, guess i overdid it
you said don't treat me badly
yet you said it so sadly
so i did the best i could
not thinking you would, but you left me gladly

no, you're not sorry
why should you be
cause who am i to be love
when your love never was for me

~ much unwanted love,


still narrative
marley folded the letter and putting it into a small envelope, decorating it with some small stickers here and there. she weakly smiled at the letter and walked to her closet.

she took out a small box full of alex and marley's small, but meaningful letters. she opened the box and put the letter inside. she sighed, maybe one day they'll meet again.


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