✧ i love you ✧

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[ Chapter 25: i love you ]

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[ Chapter 25: i love you ]

i didnt mean to say, i love you.

[ Word Count: 842 ]

[ Warnings: curse words n kissing ]

[ AUTHORS NOTE: feels good to write again! ]


[ four months later ]

i was basically laying on my bed the whole day til the clock hit 7 pm. today was braden and i's third month anniversary. i was excited. we were going to go out to downtown, eat, have some fun.

i didn't talk to him the whole day to surprise him in a way. i walk to my bathroom and take a quick shower. tidy up, brushing my hair, etc. it's going to be cold tonight so i got a casual outfit to keep me warm.

i grab my jacket and put it over me

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i grab my jacket and put it over me. i walk over to the kitchen and grab an apple. i start eating it and say goodbye to val and em. "love you girls!" i say as i open the door.

"have fun!" valerie says from the couch and emily waves goodbye. i walk out the door closing the door behind me. i walk to the pals dorm and open the door slowly, quietly.

i hear a female voice giggling down the hall near braden's room. "don't go i'm there." elijah said behind me. "why not?" i whisper back. "please don't." he says as i slowly walk towards braden's room and take a peak.

it was like my worst nightmare was turning onto a reality. braden was laying on the bed and some girl was on top of him. she leaned in and kissed him.

i looked at them and stepped in. i scoffed at them and they quickly looked towards me. "oh!" the girl said as she fell onto he floor. "on our anniversary? really?" i say with a small laugh and walk out.

"bree!" i hear braden say from his room. i walk out of the room and into the hall. "i told you to not go in there!" elijah said to me. "you know about this and didn't tell me?! fuck you!" i scream back to elijah.

i head to the door and braden follows me. "i told you to keep a lookout." braden says behind me to elijah. "we're over. don't try contacting me." i say opening the door and slamming it closed.

i walk down the hall in tears as i pass by sub. "oh my, bree! what's wrong?" sub says passing by me and running back to me. "nothing! i'm ay-okay!" i sarcastically say. "talk to me, what's wrong?" sub says grabbing my hand.

we sit down on the wall of the hallway and i begin to sob. "i just caught braden cheating on me." i say with a fake laugh. "oh, i'm so sorry." sub replies. "it's not
your fault." i reply with a small smile.

"he really doesn't deserve you and him cheating on you was such a mistake. i'm sorry that happened to you. i cant believe he did that to you, especially on your anniversary. i don't want to sound weird, but yeah i remember. i'm sorry and i love you." sub spilled out.

"y-you love me?" i stutter out. i was confused how did he still have feelings for me after i friend zoned him and basically broke his heart by dating his "best friend."

"i didn't mean to say, i love you." sub softly says. "and i don't want to." sub adds looking into my eyes. "i'm sorry." i reply leaning in and kissing him.

he kissed back and i heard a door swing open. w enfold off from the kiss and i looked behind sub to see braden walk out. "you really moved on that quick? we just broke up." braden scoffed.

"you obviously moved on while we were dating!" i said loudly as i got up with sub. "i'm going home." i say as i turn around to walk to my dorm. "thank you." i mouthed to sub before i left.


"how was it?" val said with a smile as bree walked in. "i got cheated on." bree said throwing up a peace sign. "oh my god." i said running up to her and hugging her.

"i'm sorry!" valerie says getting up as well and joining in the hug. the door slowly opens and marley walks in. "what's wrong?" marley asks as she looks at all of us.

"bree got cheated on." valerie said softly. "oh, baby!" marley says joining the hug. bree sighs and says, "i love you guys." "you know what? instead of staying here and mourning, lets go out in the town! lets go party!" i suggest looking at all of them.

"that's not a bad idea." bree replies with a small smile. "well, shall we go?" marley replies. "let's go!" valerie says jumping up and down. "i love you guys! don't forget that!" marley says looking at everyone else.

we all replied with our i love you'd and we all walked into our rooms to get ready. we were finally having a girls night out.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋.Where stories live. Discover now