vi. [ dinner dates ]

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🎆 ˚☂️ YOUTUBE HS ! ˚.
VI. CHAPTER 11(✰🎡🍇)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: none ]

( ✰ 🎆)   ━━  ❛ well, i love you so don't worry about that

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( ✰ 🎆) ━━ ❛ well, i love you so don't worry about that. ❜ ˚.༄



after valerie and bree walked out of my room and i went over to my closet to find an outfit to wear tonight. i checked the weather and it'll be cold all night so i've to get something warm and cozy. i go through all my shirts and pants finally choosing on this:

i already took a shower today and smell fine so i'm not going to bother

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i already took a shower today and smell fine so i'm not going to bother. i wash my face then i do my makeup. just simple, i don't really wear that much makeup.

i brushed my hair and then got a mini backpack and put my phone, gum, and my wallet inside of the backpack. i walked outside of my room and sat on the couch waiting for the two other girls.

five minutes later valerie and bree came outside of their rooms and bree is wearing:

five minutes later valerie and bree came outside of their rooms and bree is wearing:

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and valerie is wearing:

"we all look so cute!" valerie says walking over to the couch and sitting down

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"we all look so cute!" valerie says walking over to the couch and sitting down. "thank you!" i say with a smile trying to keep my mind off of the fight.

i grab my phone as i scroll through instagram and then hear a knock coming from the front door. "i'll get it!" i yell as i get up and run to the door before swinging it open.

"hey guys!" i say with a smile as i let braden, danis, elija, alex, and sub into our form. "hey, guys! are y'all ready?" elijah asks with a smile. "yeah! let's go!" i say walking out.

we all walk outside talking. "okay, what car are we going in?" alex asked. "oh, sweetie we're going to uber." valerie says with a small laugh as she takes out her phone.

"oh great we're going to have an amazing uber story to tell our fans." braden said jokingly as i laughed and hit is arm. we all walk outside to the school's front gate waiting for our uber driver to pick us up.

the uber arrived and we got in. our uber driver smiled and put in the location and began to drive there. denis and emily were talking to each other and smiling.

"no, but when i got to my house there was a creeper and it killed me!" emily exclaims as denis laughs. "how did you not see the creeper! it's tactically a long green bean!" denis says.

"i ship it." alex whispers to me. "oh my- me too! they're so cute." i whisper back to alex and he smiles.


"thank you!" we all say to our uber driver while getting out of the car. we walk into CPK and we sat at our table. we ordered two pizzas.

"oh my god!!" two girls and one boy yell at us causing me to choke on my lemonade.

"hey!" i tell them. they scream again and smile at us. "we're all fans of you all!" one of the girls says. she had short black hair. "that's awesome!" emily says with a smile looking at the pre-teens.

"i feel so loved." denis says jokingly causing emily to look over at him. "well , i love you so don't worry about that." emily says as she pulls him into a side hug and kissing his cheek.

she was obviously NOT joking. "oh shit!" elijah yells as i cover my mouth. "what? it wasn't a real kiss!" emily defends herself as the fans began to freak out.

"you guys are so cute!" the fanboy lets them know causing the pair of lovebirds to blush a deep red. "t-thank you." denis says smiling. "can we all take pictures now?" sub says with a smile. i look at him and smile at him being so nice.

"yes!" the fans say smiling as they hand a waiter their phone and we all take a photo. god, they were so sweet! we all took pictures and said our "goodbyes" and the fans left.

our food finally got here and we began to eat our food. we made jokes, talked, and we posted a few pictures for our fans. an hour later we paid for our food and left. we took an uber back to youtube high and we walked to our dorm.

"should we watch a movie?" sub suggests as we walk inside. "good idea! what movie?" emily told us. "what if we watch, 'step sisters?' " alex asks all of as we sat on the big couch in the living room.

"ooh yeah!" everyone replied and i turned on the tv and went to Netflix. we all cuddled up and began to watch the movie.


bree's bonker thoughts

i really gave up on this chapter LOL

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