xi. [ hogger ]

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Youtube High-school! "Is she like jealous of me or something?!" ───────────────────────

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Youtube High-school!
"Is she like jealous of me or something?!"

Earlier that Day

Today I'm finally doing a video colab with dan and when we're done filming our video, we'll go to a cafe. we recorded a small comedy sketch of minecraft and since we were done, we both headed to the cafe near by.

dan and i started to walk to the cafe and i began to think about what valerie asked me, if she can come but i just said "no" because i just wanted to spend some time with my own friend.

she did begin to rant that i liked him or something but, i actually don't even like him like that. i already like someone else and that person isn't dan, for sure.

it's just ive never really had a friend to call my own. back when y/n, zaharia, bree, valerie, and i all lived together valerie would always take my friends. valerie and i don't have a great friendship, but we're trying to make it work just for the sake of bree.

[ at the cafe ]

we walk into the cafe and take a seat at a cute booth all the way at the back of the cafe. a girl around our age walks towards us, ready to take our orders. "hello, my name is- oh my hod you- you guys are emily and dan! you guys are my favorite youtubers!" the girl yells as i smile and look over at dan.

" would you like to take a picture with us? or want us to sign your apron?" i suggest as her, light blue eyes sparkle.
"both would be amazing! thank you." she replies with a smile. after we were done doing that we ordered our food.

"a tea for me and a..." dan said waiting for me to finish the sentence "and a cup of tea for me please." i reply finishing his sentence. "okay!
your order will be here shortly." our waiter says with a smile before walking off.

"so, what's going on with you life?" i just asked. "wait, i mean you don't h-have to answer." i quickly then say. "well, jemma and i b-broke u-up..." he replies. "oh god , i'm so sorry. what happened?" i then curiously asked.

"jemma said that she focus way too much on YouTube and gaming that i don't focus on our relationship. which I do! i really cared about her, but she doesn't anymore. we broke up about a month ago...." dan then said. "i'm sorry to hear that." i then told him.

we talked even more and ate our food. we learned more about each other and other stuff like that. after a while we left and he dropped me at my dorm and I walked inside.

i walk inside passing valerie's room and valerie looks up to me and says "hogger..." "do you've a problem?" i ask her stopping and standing against her door.

"hold on let me think...yes! i wanted to meet dan! but you have to go and keep him to yourself! how selfish could you be?!" valerie exclaimed to me. my eyes widen as i scoff.

"maybe because all my life i tried making my own friends, but you would always take them for yourself!"
i yell referring to the fact no matter who i became friends with valerie would end up taking them and making them her friends.

"so loud.." bree mumbles as she looks over at us from the couch. "whatever" i let out and roll my eyes. i walk to my room angry of what just happened. i can't take this stress anymore.

the stress coming from my family saying "youtube isn't a real job for a girl like me." or internet haters telling me, "your videos suck, kys, etc etc." i'm just trying to live out my dream.


bree's bonker thoughts


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