✧ really? ✧

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[ Chapter 18:  really? ]

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[ Chapter 18: really? ]

so, can i sit next to, valerie?

[ Word Count: 516 ]

[ Warnings: none ]

[ AUTHORS NOTE: on my old account BreVDoesStories when i wrote this story with some friends! just a lil fun fact hehe! ]


valerie took a seat next to braden and i sat next to bree. so, it was me, bree, braden, and valerie. i put bowls with popcorn on the table for everyone. "what took so long, guys?" bree whispered to me and Valerie. "oh, nothing." valerie replied with a chuckle and i smiled. "sure, love bird." bree then said suspiciously. "hey, bree. can i talk to you real quick?" i whispered to bree and she nodded and we went to the kitchen.

[ in the kitchen ]

"so, can i sit next to, valerie?" i quickly asked bree. "is this why you really had to talk to me about?" bree replies with a laugh. "well, we sorta almost kissed while we were making popcorn." i replied rubbing the back of my neck. "oh, shoot! okay, i see you. go get your girl then." bree says with a smile and then we walk back to the living room. bree whispered to braden and they both moved down the couch so valerie and i are next to each other.

i look over to them and mouth, "thank you." to bree and she nods her head and then placing it on braden's shoulder.

as i'm watching the movie i hear Sub sigh. "you ok?" i whisper to sub. "not really." sub whispered back. "why?" i whisper back to him. "when we where at Disney, Bree basically told her feelings to Braden. i just felt weird since i like her and braden probably even won her over." sub whispered. "i get it, but bree's's not a prize. metaphorically, yes! but she has feelings and some of her feelings go for another person that's not you. at least you guys will stay close friends." i whisper back proud of what i've just said.

"you're right. let's just watch the movie." sub whispers and i nod my head and keep watching the movie until i hear Sub whisper, "thank you." and i smile and we watch the movie.

when the movie ends i look to my side and emily is sound asleep with her head on my shoulder. i smile and look around. bree, elijah, and alex are the only ones asleep. braden and valerie wake up those three and bree says, "why don't you guys stay over?" the pals and i nods our heads and bree and valerie go to grab pillows and blankets. i pick up emily and take her to her room and place her on her bed. i put her blankets on her, smile and walk out of the room.

i walk back to the living room and see all the pals ready with their pillows and blankets ready for sleep. "thank you, girls." i say and the pals also say thanks. "no problem." valerie says and bree smiles. "good night everyone." valerie and bree say as they walk to their rooms.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋.Where stories live. Discover now