✧ disney world pt 2 ✧

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[ Chapter 16:  disney world pt 2  ]

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[ Chapter 16: disney world pt 2 ]

[ Word Count: 1090 ]

[ Warnings: curse words ]

[ AUTHORS NOTE: i am in shooketh mode because of what i just wrote 😆 ]


when we arrived at the Disney World parking lot we had to pay for parking. "hello, the parking fee is $8 and i need to see your ID. you can be 12 for all i know." a middle aged woman sternly tells alex. "how would i be 12? don't you see my manly beard?" alex says with a laugh as he pulls out the money and ID and hands it over.

the lady takes the money takes a quick glance at his ID and throws it at alex's face. "UM, EXCUSE ME! DID YOU JUST THROW MY FRIEND'S ID AT HIS FACE?" valerie asks the middle aged women, obviously angry. "yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" the lady replies with a smirk. "OH! i'll show you what all do!" valerie yells and the. smirks, "customer complaint." valerie simply adds.

"holy smokes!" i hear bree say and i try holding in my laughs. this girl is crazy and that's why she's my best friend. "uh, sorry everybody about that please don't tell my manager!" the lady says afraid of the consequences. "i'll see what i can do." valerie says as we drive off. everyone bursts out laughing and alex says, "thank, valerie!" "no problem, a!" she says as she takes a seat.

alex parks the car and then we all get out of the car. we start walking and i feel denis pick me up. "denis! put me down!" i say with a laugh. i don't want him to put me down though. "we're in disney land! i'm treating you more like a princess today!" denis replies with a laugh.

as we walk into disney, we begin to make jokes and play around. our first ride was the Railroad Train Ride. i never really knew the name of it, but now i do! we walk through the VIP line since we got VIP tickets and i felt like a boss. why? I don't know really! "winky want to go together?" i ask Emily. "oh, i was going to ride with denis. sorry." emily says as denis puts her down on her feet.

"i'll just go with Sketchy Boi!" alex says as he stands next to elijah. "i'll sit next to bre- ."sub says, wrote braden cuts him off and grabs bree's hand. "sure, braden!" bree says looking down at their hands being held together and back up at the group.

i look over at Sub and say, "we'll, i guess it's you and me, buddy." he laughs and we all get in our seats.
the ride goes super fast and i hold onto the rail on the train. "OH MY GOD!" i yell and sub laughs. "how do you like the ride, bree?!" i hear sub yell at bree. bree yelling back, "IT'S SO FUN!" i looked at denis and emily and they were holding onto each other. i laugh and keep enjoying the ride.

[ few hours later night time ]

"why does braden look a bit mad?" elijah asked valerie. she shrugged her shoulders and elijah spoke up, "hey, braden. you seem a bit mad. what's going on?" "we'll, i'm okay. just my skin is a bit red no apparent reason!" braden replied quickly. "okay, buddy as long as you're happy, we are!" elijah said with a smile.

the whole group walked to an area to see the firework show. bree and braden sat on top of a closed garbage can to get a better view. emily was being carried on denis's back. elijah and valerie are of course taking a bunch of photos and snapchatting which was great. sub and alex were both standing up next to braden and bree since they are both tall.

[ AUTHORS/NOTE: embrace yourselves for some cringe writings because I wrote this part along time ago in another account when i was younger and now i cringe about it, but it's kinda cute! ]

after a good five minutes the firework show began! when the fireworks go up there were hearts, disney characters, words, etc. but just one firework stood out. the firework read, "KISS". oh, of course. way to cliché.

emily was now off of denis's back. he grabbed her chin softly and kissed her. it was passionate and not rough since their surrounding. elijah and valerie looked over each other and laughed. bree felt someone tap on her shoulder. "hmm?" she said and felt Braden give her a kiss. she was caught off guard.

maybe she wanted to miss back, but braden wasn't the one she wanted a kiss from. she backs off and jumps off the garbage can and looks up at the boy. "i'm sorry. i'm just not ready." bree sorta lied as she looked into his eyes full of lust.

"well, i'm sorry, too." braden says and walks off. "god, what did i just do?" bree says as she follows braden to a lonely bench away from people.

"braden, really i am sorry." bree tells him as they stop walking and he faces her. "it's fine. you probably like sub, anyways. everyone falls for him!" braden scoffs. "don't say that, braden! you're equally as amazing!" bree says with a small smile.

"why? shouldn't i just say the truth?" braden asked her. "i'm not even good enough." braden said softly. "stop talking down about yourself. i really do like you! you're as equally amazing as, sub! don't you understand?!" bree says back.

"prove it then." braden whispered to the girl looking at him. she slowly leaned in and kissed him. he moved his hands down to her waist and held her. they broke off from the kiss, blush tinted on both their faces.

braden looks at bree, smiling then he looks behind her. "what are you looking at, braden?" bree says as she turns around and sees the whole group there. staring at them in shock. "thanm you, bree." braden whispered to bree. knowing he won her now. "fuck." bree whispered looking up at sub.

"are you guys ready to go home?" alex says pretending to have not seen anything to not make sub feel bad. "we are." braden said grabbing bree's hand. they stood up and the whole group walked off to the parking lot.

"get that d, mamas!" emily mouthed to bree. bree laughed and looked up at braden. he had the biggest smile plastered on his face.

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