✧ hangover breakfast ✧

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[ Chapter 27: hang over breakfast ]

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[ Chapter 27: hang over breakfast ]

my head hurts!

[ Word Count: 828 ]

[ Warnings: talks abt hang over ]

[ AUTHORS NOTE: this story took a turn that i do not mind! ]


i woke up and my head was spinning. i felt so tired, i slowly got up from my bed and walked to emily's room. i slowly open the door to see her sleeping next to denis. "oop." i whisper and close the door behind me.

i walk to the living room to see elijah and valerie sleeping on the couch and sub sitting on the floor using his phone. "can we talk?" sub says as he gets up and walks next to me. "about what?" i reply as we walk into the kitchen. i open the fridge and take out the milk.

"last night, we kissed at the bar." sub says as i open the fridge. "what?" i reply dropping the milk, the milk spilling all over the floor. "um yeah, and i was thinking maybe you've feelings-" sub says before i cut him off.

"i was drunk, sub." i say grabbing towels and cleaning the spilled milk on the floor. "you weren't when we kissed in the hall." sub says looking down at me. "stop playing with my feelings, bree." sub scoffed and walk outside our door slamming the door behind him.

i sighed, i'm not purposely "play with his feelings" i'm just confused, i guess? emily walks out of her room and smiles at me. "how are you feeling?" she asks looking at me throw away the paper towels.

"my head hurts! i hate alcohol." i say with a small laugh. "that's not what you thought last night when you drank three shots and danced on a table." emily said with a small laugh. "oh my god! did you stop me?!" i say covering my mouth in shock.

"what kinda best friend would i be if i didn't get you down?" emily said with a smile. i was relieved that she took care of not just herself, but me. i smiled at her, "i'm hungry, lets go eat out!" i say. "where to?" emily asks.

"ihop! we just have to wake everyone up and then we're on our way." i reply with a small smile. let's go then!" a few minutes after waking everyone up we
got ready. the boys quickly went to their dorm to get sub and get ready.

all four of us took a shower in our separate bathrooms and then got ready. after my show i walk into my room looking for what to wear. today was going to be a cold day so i took out:

 today was going to be a cold day so i took out:

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i put it on and walled to the living room. i took out my phone and the boys walked in from the front door. "heyo!" elijah says and jumps onto the couch next to me. "eli!" i say with a smile hugging him.

i'm not going to lie, he's my favorite boy, but keep it on the dl! "are you guys ready to go?" alex asks sitting down next to elijah. marley, emily, and valerie walk out from their individual rooms.

marley is wearing:

valerie is wearing:

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valerie is wearing:

and emily is wearing:

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and emily is wearing:

i smile at them, "i'll drive!" valerie says running to the counter and grabbing her keys

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i smile at them, "i'll drive!" valerie says running to the counter and grabbing her keys. "do you know
how drunk you got last night?" elijah says with a small laugh. "uh, okay, who's gonna drive then?" valerie laughs remembering she's still hung over.

"i will! i'll drive your car." denis says grabbing valeries keys. "let's split into two cars-" alex says before getting cut off by braden opening the door and walking in. "so, where are we going?" braden says with a smirk.

i roll my eyes, "why are you here?" "why not?" he replies. "whatever." i mumble. "anyways, bree, marley, elijah, and valerie with me. denis, sub, emily, and braden in the other car!" alex explains as we all walk out to the parking lot.

inside ihop
after they got their food

i ordered two pancakes for alex i sat next to alex and braden and for some reason braden just weirds me out. i feel like he's just as evil as he seems i guess. i feel a hand placed on my left thigh. i think it's alex until i realized.

alex is sitting on my right not my left. i look next to me to see braden hand placed on my thigh. "what's wrong with you!" i say looking at braden. "what?" braden says acting clueless.

"you just had your hand on my thigh, you physco!" i say anger in my tone. "is this true, braden?" alex asks. "um." braden mumbles. "why wouldn't you believe me?" i say turning to alex.

"oh god, braden you should leave." alex says sternly. with that braden got up and began to walk away. "fuck off!" bree screams at braden as he passes by her. we all begin to laugh and continue to eat.

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