22- Safety first

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June 24, 2017
*The broadcast ended*
*In the yatcht*
*9:30 PM*

You and Nam joon went in a room in the yatcht so that, you can hide from your members. You knew keeping the relationship a secret was a bad idea. It's hard to hide all the time and  getting scared of being caught.

"Oppa? Did you mean what you said earlier?" You mumbled, sitting on the bed as you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear.

"What episode?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows, dumbfoundedly.

"Woah?! Is our relationship just an episode for you?? Huh hmmph, I feel offended" You pouted as you lowered your eyebrows acting as if you're mad.

"Ahni, Ahni, I mean. What do you mean, My Y/N?" He tried to calm you down, running his hands through your hair.

*Flashback earlier*
"The groom will be giving a message to Y/N" - The host of the wedding.

"Y/N, I am very happy that we met each other. I am beyond blessed to have you in my life, Y/N.. I really don't know how to express what I feel but, One thing is for sure, I will be protecting you, Always. " He said with teary eyes as he puts the wedding ring on your finger.
*End of flashback*

"Oppa.. I know, our relationship just started, Honestly, I never thought that you would like me, I am the complete opposite of your ideal type..You know, I feel like i'm still dreaming right now. Everytime you tell me that you want to protect me, I feel so secured and loved, Oppa, Its just, I am so happy that—" You explained, making eye contact with nam joon.

"Aweee." He smiled as  he pulled you closer to hug you as if you were a super fluffy  teddy bear. It was so tight, You can almost hear his heart beating so fast.
"You're so cute, I just want to hug you everyday and tell you how much I love you.." He said as his hugged you tightly with his eyes closed.

You stiffened, Your heart was just fluttering. Who would have thought an unrequited love can change? You were so happy as you hugged him tightly.

You didn't know someone twisted the door knob because both of you were too focused with each other. The door swung as it opened widely, 8 people went inside the room, all shocked and flustered to see you and nam joon hugging. It was the fate members and bts members

You and Nam joon were startled, You quickly moved away from each other making sure that it was one meter apart.

"ahh, unnie, Let me explain.." You trembled, as you bit your lower lip, standing up, as you faced them trying to avoid their gaze. You are not good at lying to your members. It was the first time you commited a sin to them.

"Unnies, It's my fault, I left Y/N unnie with Nam joon sunbae.." W tried to protect you from Blue and Mary. the strict unnies. W really didn't know what happened between you and nam joon, all she knows is your relationship, she was trying to keep the secret, you see, the members aren't that dumb not to notice your actions.

"So you knew about this W?" Mary handed your phone to W. You forgot that you left your phone on the table and forgot to put a password on it.
W read the sweet messages of you and nam joon, she wasn't really shocked that the unnies would know since Y/N can never keep a secret from the unnies.

"Unnies, What's with you really? Are you planning to make this a big deal??" Roché muttered out to the duo as she went to you. Roché knows how sensitive you are, she does not want you to feel like a complete dissapointment to the team.

"It is really a big deal, Roché, We all know y/n is already the most hated member of fate. You think this wouldn't be an issue? It is, She had an issue with Chanyeol then now Nam joon? Are you damn serious? This could affect her. All the hate will go to her..." Mary exclaimed. She is really straightforward when it comes to things like this, She always gives harsh comments but this is what is great with her, She opens the eyes of the members that being a kpop idol is not always a fairytale where you can just freely do anything you want.

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