26 - Don't mind them

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The icing and the egg white stains were all over your white t-shirt. Your hair was a mess and you can feel the sticky feeling because of the cake icings on your face.

The other members were in total shock not expecting the action of the fan. They immediately ran to you as the fans that went to you ran away to escape the guards.

"Y/N, What happened?" Blue asked worriedly as she got a tissue paper to wipe your face. You weren't answering, you were spacing out, You didn't want to answer any of their questions, so you just stayed silent.

"Y/N Unnie, Why did she do that to you??"  W asked as she gave you water. You wanted to hug the members and tell them that you're hurting but, you can't because you know, they're going to let you and nam joon break up, so you just held it in.

"Y/N..Unnie" Roche muttered, worriedly. She didn't know how to comfort because she was still flustered.

"Let's just leave her alone first..." Lady sighed as she announced to the red strings that the fan meeting is over for tonight.

At your room.

You started opening the gifts that THE SO CALLED FANS gave you.

The first gift was a Box with your picture with a blood of a pig.
The second gift were spoiled vegetables.
The third gift were a knife.
The fourth gift were sleeping pills.

You saw their gifts. You can't help but cry, The tears just streamed down on your cheeks but you still opened the letters as you read them again and again.

"Dear Y/N,
Just end being an idol, stop seducing our oppas, okay? Enough is enough. You dont deserve them, Who would even love a two timer like you? You're talentless okay, Just die. Stop causing problems!"

"Y/N! Nam joon oppa is on a higher level okay? Stop hanging around him bitch. I would ship any girl for him, but you? NO WAY."

"Stop seducing my idols! You famewhore, bitch!"

You teared every paper and broked down and sobbed like a child as you layed on your bed, covering your face with a pillow on top of you.

The members, Lady, Blue and Mary barged in your room without even knocking, they went to you.

"Y/N, What happened?? I'm sorry we didn't catch the fans that did that to you. " Blue comforted you as they sat on the other side of the bed.

"Gash, Blue unnie!" She did a face palm because the answer to the question was obvious, That the main reason why this things are happening are because of Nam joon.

"Unnie, just leave me alone for while. " You sniffed, as you were laying on your bed. You didn't want to then to see you this way, The pillow was still on top of your face but Mary took it off, harshly.

"Why are you comforting her? cant you see she deserves that?" Mary groaned, arms crossed with her one eyebrow raising.

"Mary.." Blue muttered. You wanted to put earphones because you didn't want to hear them nagging.

"Unnie, Stop! Unnie.. I thi—" Lady didn't finish what she was about to say because Mary interrupted.

"No! I've been holding this in, for too long. You know what, Since the very beginning, I was strongly against to this relationship. I knew this will only bring misfortune to her and to our group. And see what has happened!" She exclaimed with sweeping hand gestures. It wasn't the first time, the trio barged in your room but, It was different because Lady was always the one who nags and the one who intimidates other members. Did the two changed souls? Kidding aside.

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