Chapter 7

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When we got back to our room, I shouted to Olivia to undress me, the conversation between James and I had died since dinner. It could have been the fact that I said I was willing to die for him, or that he kissed me in front of everyone else. I didn't know what it was- but it was really awkward. I climbed into bed after I put my nightdress on, and still not a word. We just lay there, next to each other, waiting for someone to speak, and slowly, drifting off to sleep.

The next morning the sun shone into the room brighter than it had before, and I'd planned to have breakfast with Madeline. I thought someone should speak between me and James- and I wanted to be the one to do it. Again, Olivia came to dress me, and I walked out to find him, just sat on the Chaise lounge reading a book.

"James, what happened last night?" I asked him.

"I was just overwhelmed that's all."

"Well I planned to eat with Madeline this morning- we'll talk when I come back?"

"Sure." he said, kissing my forehead as I left. When I reached the dining saloon, Madeline was already there. When we sat down, I felt that nauseous feeling again, however I ignored it- and proceeded to eat my breakfast.

"So how's the baby?" I asked her.

"Well as far as I know it's great, it's healthy and happy." I smiled, it was nice to hear that she was so happy to be having the child. I felt a lurching in my stomach, the nausea came back.

"What's wrong?" Madeline asked.

"Oh nothing- I just feel a little nauseous that's all. I did yesterday morning it's probably just my body reacting to sleeping on water .I'll be


"You had it yesterday morning?"

"Yes, but it should be nothing."

Her face dropped.

James and I spent the rest of the day as we had before, talking, using the pool, walking. That night he helped me dress and pick out my outfit for dinner, the awkwardness was gone now, we were back to normal.

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