Chapter 15

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Hurriedly, we ran to the boat deck, so we didn't get caught in the flooding. The groans of the sinking ship were getting louder and more frequent, the level of panic was also rising. You could tell the ship didn't have much longer, it was around 2:00 now, and we were losing hope

"We need to get to a boat!" James shouted, over the screams of the crowds.

"They're all gone." I shouted back, I knew what would happen now, I was going to die. I'd never felt like this. A feeling of oblivion opening up in front of me. Something that made me feel like I was being stabbed in the heart- I was losing everything. My baby- gone. My husband-gone. My life-gone.

We should have waited for a boat, we should have stayed and got on one. This was a decision I'd regret for the rest of my life- if I had much time left. The band had stopped playing- for the moment. It was like the sound in my brain had stopped working, the whole world just stopped motion for a while. Violins- the band had started playing, "nearer my god to thee". I could picture everything that was happening inside, people screaming for their lives, Mr Andrews, just staring at the painting in the smoking room. People laying in their beds, watching the water rush into the rooms, the people that could have been us. The people that hadn't had a chance to make an escape, the less fortunate ones.

The only lifeboats were overturned, with crowds of people desperately trying to move away from the ship in them. Turquoise water engulfed the captains bridge, leading him to his final breath. The band stopped playing. Dead silence. Followed by a series of pained groans from inside the ship. James and I stood, clinging to each other in fright, waiting for whatever ended it all. I heard something snap, James pushed me.

"ELIZABETH RUN!" he screamed. I did exactly as I was told, the best I could in water.

"I love you!" I shouted back.

"Go! I love you too!"

I saw it with my own eyes. The yellow steel on a funnel began to snap, a loud creaking sound pierced my ears. And then a splash. The funnel plunged into the water, crushing everyone in it's path...

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