Chapter 12

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The place was packed, a single stairwell with other 100 screaming people. I didn't know one person down there and things were starting to fall apart.

"I know a way out." I said, grabbing James's hand. I ran, back down to E deck, it was flooded to shoulder height now, it would be hard to walk, but I needed to get out.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself?" James shouted as I waded through the water, holding onto the pipes and the light fixtures above me.

"I don't care wether I live or die as long as I'm with you." I said, kissing him. He took a breath, and began to wade through the water. The lights flickered on and off, plunging us in and out of darkness. I found the door, the water was getting higher and higher, I hauled myself up with the banister, and sighed as I got out of the water. The air was cold, but not as much as the water- it was a relief to be out if it.

We ran up multiple flights of stairs, until we reached the smoking room, 1:10 am. When we finally got to the deck, we realised the extent of the damage. The ship was lifting out of the water at the stern, and fast.

"We need to get going, we don't have much time!" James shouted over the masses of people screaming for their lives, and the band, playing their songs behind the chaos. James was pulling me towards where the lifeboats were being launched. I didn't want to get a boat. I wanted to be with James. Second officer Lightoller was ushering people onto the unsteady looking lifeboat.

"James, no." I demanded.

"Get on the boat Elizabeth." He replied.

"I don't want to- I want to be with you."

"Look, Elizabeth, I love you with all of my heart, and if I didn't, I'd let you stay with me. Now get on the boat."

"No- I'm not going without you."

"Go." he was tearing up, I'd never seen him cry before "If I don't survive this, if this is the last time you ever see me. I want you to know how much I regret making you do this, but I can't stand to think of you dying here." he took a breath, and softly pushed me towards the lifeboat. I flung my arms around him, kissed his cheek, and softly whispered, "I love you, I'll never stop loving you." into his ear, as I clambered into the now crowded boat...

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