Chapter 17

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1.2.3. I took a deep breath, and then the icy water pierced through my skin. The suction pulled me downwards, with the ship.I was determined to reach the top of the water, although it was far,I'd make it. With all of my strength I swam, right to the surface, to join the mass of screaming people. But I couldn't get caught up with them, I immediately swam away, looking for some debris to take refuge on. There was an assortment of pieces of wood, and chairs, but I saw something, that looked like a piece of a wall that had floated away when the ship broke into two. I hurried towards it, and hurled myself to lay on it.

10 minutes passed, then 20. Gradually it got quieter. Silence. The sound of death, slowly creeping towards me, soon going to pounce, and take my life. I was out of the water completely, but my clothes stuck to me, in the sort of way that they do when you run. Except they were frozen. All I could think of was James, pushing me away from him, out of the way of the falling funnel, and not running with me. All to make sure that I got far enough away to

live. A tear rolled down my cheek, I would relive that moment for every day of my life. It would haunt me. His terrified face wouldn't leave my mind. He made my life complete, he made me who I am.

"Is anyone alive out there?" I heard someone shout. As far as I could turn, I tried to face the direction of the sound. It was a boat. It was the thing that would save me. I was a survivor.

"Help!" I tried to shout. It was like my vocal chords had frozen, and so had my heart. I'd spoken too soon, what if I didn't survive. I rolled off of the debris, and swam towards the boat, the tiny boat on the endless horizon. My body could hardly move, I dragged myself through the maze of frozen bodies. The destruction was devastating, I simply cried as I swam through them.

"Help!" I cried again. This time they heard, and looked around, looking at me.

"Come about!" they shouted. I swam towards the lifeboat. I'd made it. I was a survivor...

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