Chapter 14

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We stood at the top of the staircase, in silence, thinking of what to do about our situation.

"Shall we just go back to the room, and go to sleep?." He suggested.

"I can't." I replied- I was ready to tell my secret now.

"Why not, it's a peaceful, painless way to go."

"James.." I began

"What? What's wrong?"

"James I'm pregnant." I blurted out. "He or she is your child so we both need to try to live- for their sake." He looked stunned. And flustered at the same time, I just looked at him, waiting for a reaction. So he lifted me off the ground, and kissed me- probably for the last time. He took my hand, and lead me outside, obviously trying to find a boat that would take both men and women. Nothing. We couldn't just jump into the water, we'd die. The bow of the ship was further above the sea, and the stern was completely submerged.

The ship was sinking fast, and I heard a series of eerie groans from inside the ship. It was around 1:40 am, and it had been 2 hours since the ship had hit the iceberg.

"Shall we walk around the ship- I mean, the best we can, shall we get a last look, until the lifeboats are taking men?" James asked me. So I linked my arm with his, allowing him to 'escort me to dinner'. We wandered into the already flooded dining saloon. Flashbacks of the past days rushed through my mind, talking to Madeline about our society, being given the most amazing speech of my life. A single tear ran down my cheek, as I thought of everything I was losing.

We walked back to our room, which was half flooded already. I picked out my wedding dress, and looked at it one last time, as I put it back in the wardrobe to rest for eternity. I heard another groan. That one was scary, things were falling off the tables now because of the tilt of the ship, we had to leave. I looked at the clock- 1:50 Am. We ran back through the smoking room- where we saw Thomas, just staring at a painting.

"Mr Andrews? Aren't you going to try to get out?" I said, shocked. He momentarily broke his stare, walked over to me, and hugged me, then he shook James's hand.

"Good luck, and god bless you," he took a deep breath, and carried on staring.

"It's going fast- we have to go." James told me. Then he nodded at Andrews, as if to wish him good luck...

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