Chapter 10

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"Shall we go see Mr Andrews?" I asked James.


"Because he'll know whats happening so he'll know what we should do."

"Yes." he nodded- the grievous look in his eye showed that he already knew. He held my hand and we slowly walked up the stairs. Looking at this ship, this magnificent ship- that would most probably be at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean by morning.

"Where will he be?" I said.

"In the first class dining saloon most probably, either that or his room- and I know where that is. I nodded, and carried on. When we reached the dining room, he was there, on the stairs , looking disheveled. I tapped his shoulder softly, hoping that I wouldn't distress him more.

"Mr Andrews?"

"Yes dear?" his voice quavered.

"I saw the iceberg, and I felt it hit the ship."

"Yes, it did."

"Are we at risk?"

He took a deep breath, and began to explain the extremity of what had happened. "The iceberg hit on the hull, near the bow. The water tight doors have been shut, but The ship can only stay afloat with 4 compartments breached- not 5. Titanic will sink, in an hour, maybe 2. It is a mathematical certainty."

I raised my hand over my mouth in terror. The water was freezing- there wasn't enough boats by half. I didn't know what to do- I was expected to make a decision which could potentially change my life in a few minutes.

"Dress warmly- and get to a boat, as quick as you can, they'll fill fast." Thomas told me.

I nodded. I had no idea what to do. Without thinking, I bolted, back to the room, I slammed the bathroom door and burst into tears. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know wether to live or die.

"Darling what's wrong, you need to get your lifebelt and coat on." James shouted, shutting the door as he came into the room. I pulled myself out of the room and flung my arms around him.

"If this is the last time I do this I want to make it count." I cried.

"I'm going to survive, I promise. Now please get your lifebelt and coat on."

I nodded, and went into the wardrobe. I pulled out a lifebelt and put it on under my long purple coat. James took my hand, saying "It's going to be ok, I promise.". It was freezing outside, and the lifeboats were being prepared- this was not what I planned to be doing at 12:30 this morning...

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