Chapter 18

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I lay in the lifeboat for the rest of that night. Oblivious to the rest of the world. Just wrapped in a blanket, staring up to the stars, the stars that had shielded the iceberg from our sight, the stars that had taken James's life. That endless sky of taken lives and tragedy. I looked up, to see a ship, small compared to titanic, tiny compared to the ocean. The lifeboats sailed towards it, and I was still oblivious to the rest of the world.

The officer in my boat started waving a flare. Finally, I looked up. I saw the ship 'Carpathia', that ship would be my saviour, the thing that took me out of the Atlantic Ocean and got me home. To fulfil the dreams that James and I had.

"It's all gonna be ok." the officer told me. All I could do was cry, I didn't know what out of, sadness, joy, anger. But that's all I could do. It was all I wanted to do. If I could have gone back, and pulled James away with me. I would, I wanted to die with him, or live with him. I was nothing without him. My relatives?- They were god knows where.

No one to go to, no one to help me, I thought as I still blankly stared at the sky. And the sun that was now rising, it was the most amazing sunrise of my life, wether it was that three hours ago I didn't know if I'd see another sunrise, or the pure beauty of a new start. The boat I was In slowly came closer to the ship, with all of the other boats in front of us. Only a few hundred, out of the two thousand on the ship, were here with us. A ladder had been put through a door, for us to climb. When it got to my turn, I tried to stand, I was too fragile. I pulled myself up onto the ship, and the minute I got to the deck, I collapsed.

It was all over, the traumatic nightmare that had been the 15th April 1912. I was a survivor...

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