Authors Note

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Before you read this is a make sure you have read the other two.

Hey guys it's me again back with another book from this series. This will probably be the last of this series cause I have no idea how to drag out this even more.

These will always be known as my first books.

Also lowkey the best.

My last authors note for this series...

(Not getting emotional or anything.)

I would like to give a shoutout to sfla_edits on Instagram for making all the book covers for this series. They're really nice and cool.❤️

This book is more around the plot and less things romantic wise. The sequel was sort of a book that led to this one I guess (well no duh Brooke it's a sequel). I'll call it a filler book lol.

Anyways this book does involve characters from DC comics and they have rights to those characters.

The book does include violence and romance.
The romance is barely anything when there are scenes. In other words I don't write smut.

This book does take place 15 years later and I can't see into the future.... so technology will pretty much be the same and slang and stuff.

I would also like to thank the original people from A Frozen Heart who have been here since the beginning. MY HEART. I'll probably tag them at the end of this book.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy


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