Everything has Changed

194 11 69

Taylor's Pov
I say goodbye to Scarlett and Savannah as they walk out the car doors.
I look over and see Caitlin's car next to mine and decide to get out. I knock on the window and she gets out.

"Hey stranger." I say smiling.

"Hey Tay."

"How are you?"

"I'm good. Are things still good with Savannah?"

"She still hasn't found out. At least it looks like from what I can tell."

"I guess your idea worked."

"I guess. I still just worry about her all the time. I don't want her going through the same things I did."

"I think it's just a parent thing to constantly worry about them. I worry about Henry all the time."

"Killer Frost was just terrible and broke me. I don't want the same to happen to her."

"She might be a teenager but she's not a killer.
At least Scarlett didn't have the gene."

"What if I turn into her again. It's been almost sixteen years since the last time but it's still scary."

"Taylor, you have to stop worrying."

"I know you think Killer Frost isn't bad but she is in my book."

"I'm just saying-"

"I know. I don't know her like you do."

I see Caitlin looking with her head down again ashamed. She tends to have that look on her face constantly now. She has for years. She doesn't when she's around Henry because she wants to him to think everything is fine.

"Caitlin, you have to move on."

"How do you always know when I'm thinking about it?"

"You always have the same face. You look ashamed and in pain. It wasn't your fault, why is it so hard for you to accept that?"

"What if it happens again? I lost her Taylor. I know everyone else had to deal with loosing Melissa but I died inside. She was my own daughter."

"It's been 11 years Cait. She was three years old."

"I could have stopped it. No one else could have."

"You tried Cait."

"I wasted the months I had left with her in the process."

"You couldn't just cure cancer like that."

"You can now. I should have figured it out how to fix it before she was gone."

She starts to break down. She never talks about Melissa. I've tried forcing the conversation before but who wants to talk about their daughter who died. Especially of the disease you ended up curing months later.

"You're aware of how many other people you saved though, right?"

"Yes, but I went crazy finding it. Literally, I was so obsessed that I didn't do anything anymore. I stopped taking my meds and started having hallucinations again."

"You never told me that."

"I guess I never did. I saw Melissa for months Taylor. I had another episode."

"It's the past now."

She quickly turns and runs to me, putting her head on my shoulder. I know she's cried but not like this.

"What if  my kid dies? What if they gets a form of what I have?"

"He won't Caitlin. You have Barry and Henry. Just look at what you do have."

A Freezing Heart (A Taylor Swift/Killer Frost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now