There were Sirens

117 10 22

Caitlin's Pov
The windows continue to break and people start to scream through out the room.

"We need to leave."


I grab his hand and start to try and lead him out but the entire room is chaos. I imagine it not being any better when we get outside.

"HELP!" Someone screams across the room.

I attempt to run forward to the screaming. When I get to where it's coming from I see a teenage girl with a shard of glass in her. There's a woman over the girl who I'm guessing is the one who was screaming.

"I'm Doctor Caitlin Snow." I say looking at the girl.

I start to look at wound but it's not looking very good. It's cut her abdomen pretty badly. Emergency rooms will be overwhelmed and there's no way she will make it there in time.

"I'm Shelby." She struggles saying. She coughs up blood and can barely breathe. I get down on her level and try and think of what to do.

"I'm gonna try to help you, Shelby. This might hurt though."

"You're Caitlin Snow?" The woman who was watching the girl says.

"Well, yes."

"You cured cancer."

"Well, Yeah. I know what I'm doing though. I'm still a doctor."

"Is she going to be okay? She's my daughter and I can't loose her."

"As a doctor, I can't guarantee anything. I'm going to try my best."

I turn around to Joe.

"Joe, she won't make it unless we get her to a hospital." I say quietly so the girls don't hear me.

"What are you going to do then?"

"I don't know. If I take the glass out, she'll bleed out probably. I can't do anything until I know what's going on internally. But if I leave it...I just don't know right now. If I had an O.R or something."

"If this a lab, wouldn't there be a operating room?"

"You would think so. I can't even move her right now either."

There's nothing you can do then Caitlin. You have to just let her say goodbye or something."

"She's her daughter. I won't let her die."

"Caitlin, I know you lost yours but sometimes there's a line."

I turn around again trying to think of something again. I truly don't know but sitting here isn't doing anything.

"Joe, go find a med kit. I have to try."



He finally gets up and runs through the mess of people.

"I'm going to help you. Okay?" I smile trying to cover up the fact that I really don't know what I'm going to do. I lift up her shirt to try and get a better look at the wound.

She then goes unconscious.

"Shelby?" There's no answer and I try to connect the dots.

"Is she dead?" Her mom asks in panic.

"No. Her um..her left lung is in distress. It's a traumatic pneumothorax. I need to find the cause. need a something sharp like a knife."

Joe comes running back with a basic box of medical supplies. I open it trying to find something. I find a scalpel conveniently and alcohol.

I grab some rubber gloves and put them on.

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