The Truth is Easier to Ignore it

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One Week Later
Taylor's Pov
I'm just curled up on the couch with a blanket doing absolutely nothing. I have no reason to do anything. The room is dark when I look around. All I want to do is just sleep forever. I can't do any of this right now.

My husband and my daughter both hate me. Well I hope Joe is still my husband. Legally he is.

It's been a week since he found out and it's been awful. I can barely do anything anymore. Caitlin has been taking them to school and back home. She's not crazy anymore so I'm honestly fine with it.

Another day means another day of suffering pretty much. I've tried to call him and apologize but he keeps letting them go to voicemail I think. I've texted him and they all say read but no response.

I know I've messed up. Sitting here isn't going to fix it though. Except there is literally no way I can fix this. Unless I had a frickin time machine, which I don't. I wish I had one.

I sit not knowing what to do but Scarlett peeks her head around the corner.

"Hey, Mom?"


"Are you okay? You just seem really sad."

She walks closer to me and sits next to me on the couch.

"Everything is fine. Your dad and I are just having a fight."

"Is that why he's been gone?"


"You're not getting a divorce are you?"

"I hope not. I love him and don't want to."

"Good. What are you fighting about?"

"I kept a secret for fifteen years that I shouldn't have kept."

"For that long?"



"When you get married, don't keep secrets. It's a really bad idea and it doesn't do anything except hurt someone."

"Note taken. Then why did you keep a secret?"

"I thought I was doing the right thing. Well I thought it was until the issue actually became an issue."

"So you were fine keeping it a secret until it actually became an issue."

"Pretty much."

"What is this secret anyway?"

"I don't want to drag you into this whole mess, Scarlett."

"You just don't want to tell me."

"That too."

"What is it?"

"Have you ever heard of Killer Frost?"

"I haven't."

"I have powers, the cold kind. When I use them I turn to someone evil. I did bad things when I was her Scarlett."

"You seriously expect me to believe you?"

"Get me a glass of water." I tell her seeing that she's coming from a fair point

She skips to the kitchen and comes back.

"Here." She hands me the glass.

"I'm going to try to do this without becoming her."

I hold on the glass and try to breathe. I haven't tried to do this in years. The glass starts to quickly freeze over and I stop myself.

A Freezing Heart (A Taylor Swift/Killer Frost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now