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Crystal's Pov
I sit in pure silence in the middle of the night as Savannah sleeps. I'm trying so hard not to cry. I'm scared and I never wanted to bring up memories from my old life ever again. I pull my knees close to myself trying to breathe.

I try to shove down memories but I can't. I start playing a game in my head. What would I do for one more minute with him?

I go through a list of things in my head. I would give up this plan, I would give the city back, I would turn myself in and I would even kill Caitlin.

But would Savitar do the same if he was in this situation?

He said he loved me, he said he cared but did he really? I look bad at more memories and it all comes to me.

He didn't. He was manipulating me the entire time. He controlled my life. I didn't choose who I was, he did. He dictated my entire life. He still does.

He didn't love me.

I promised to love and keep doing this but he didn't even give a damn about me.

He took my life and I let it happen.

I get up off the floor and go to a different floor trying to not wake up Savannah. I start to pace in anger and frustration.

I take a heel from the shelf in a clothes store and throw it at a mirror. The entire thing shatters and when I look at a broken fragment on the floor I'm a mess. I have mascara and make up in general streaming down my face. My hair is a complete mess and the fragment of glass shows damage. My face is a shattered reflection and I barely know how to look at myself.

I grab a bag of beauty supplies in the back of the store and go to the bathroom to fix everything. I'm really not in the mood for Savannah to kill me.

After I straighten up everything I go back upstairs to the level Savannah and I are camping out.

When I get to the level I see the time it's about seven in the morning.

Savannah is still asleep thankfully but it's not long before she wakes up again.

She stands up and yawns before starting to speak.

"Are you ready Frost?"

"For what?"

"We're gonna attack again."

"I thought the plan was finished. You told me every phase of the plan."

"I didn't tell you about this part."

"Can you tell me then?"

"I'm gonna keep it a secret."

"Okay then."

I'm honestly quite terrified of Savannah. I didn't think she would go this far.

We start to walk down the streets to the unknown location. We walk by a couple people and they immediately freak out and hide. Everyone is terrified of us.

She continues to walk and I'm extremely confused. She walks into an apartment complex and I continue to follow. I never thought I would become a lackey. I think I was though when it came to Savitar.

We stand outside one apartment and Savannah stops moving and faces towards it.

"Are you ready Frost?"


"I said are you ready! I need you to be ready for this!"



She takes her foot and kicks the door in. The door comes crashing down and when we walk in. I look around with complete shock.

We're at Caitlin's apartment. There, everyone stands in fear. Barry, Joe, a couple kids that I don't know the name to and Caity. My Caity.

"What are we doing here?" I ask Savannah.

"Well, to kill them. Why else would we be here?"

"GO!" Caitlin screams at everyone.

Everyone runs behind her into another room except Joe. Caitlin starts to cry with her arms crossed over her stomach as she stands in silence.

"Caitlin, leave." Joe tells her.


"You refused to come multiple times and now you stay?"

"They'll kill all of us. I might as well try and stop it." She says gently.

"Kill them Frost. Prove yourself." Savannah orders.

"Don't do this Frost. I know you don't want to do this. I can see the fear in your eyes. You don't have to do this. You don't need Savannah manipulating you anymore. Just stop this."

The last time I was being manipulated was by Savitar. I've spent almost 25 years of my life being manipulated. I won't do this anymore.

I go over to Caitlin's side and then to face Savannah. I let a mist pour from my hands.

"I spent 25 years being manipulated by someone I loved. I won't be manipulated by someone I don't love."

"You just made the wrong decision Crystal."

"My name is-"

"You can deny it but your name isn't Killer Frost and you never were. You're still an innocent kind hearted person. No matter how hard you try to get rid of that person, Crystal will still be you. Underneath all that cold and hurt, you're still Crystal Frost."

"You've never been in love Savannah. You don't understand."

"And yet, you've become a killer for this guy."

"Savitar died almost 20 years ago. He never loved me and I won't keep a promise I thought was because of love. I won't be a villain anymore. I won't let someone who manipulated me, define who I am."

"Then I'll define who your are."

She turns around with her hand out to the side.

"You can't-"

She quickly turns and shoots an icicle to me. Her powers, being incredibly strong shoots like a bullet.

The icicle hits me and pierces my skin. It tears through my flesh and through my heart. I fall to the ground as blood pours from my chest.

"Yes I can. I define you as dead now."
Authors note: Oooh a cliffhanger. Savannah is a lil salty with Killer Frost.

Do you think Killer Frost/Crystal/Taylor will survive?

Teaser:"Caity...Caitlin. Thank you for saving me."





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