Honey I Rose Up From the Dead

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Caitlin's Pov
"No, keep her alive." Frost says interrupting her.

"What? Why?"

Killer Frost looks around trying to find an excuse.

"I tortured her for months, she doesn't deserve to die now."

"I thought you said to not show mercy."

"You're my lackey! You listen to me when I say let her go!"

Savannah puts her hands down and backs down. I quickly scramble trying to get out. I open the door and and run down to my car.

What have I done? This is all my fault. I need to get someone else though if we're going to fix this situation.

A few moments later I arrive and knock on their door.

"Hey, Joe."

"What are you doing here?" He asks confused.

"We have a bit of a situation."

"Oh, what did you do Caitlin?"

"You know that one saying where people who don't learn history, repeat it."

"I haven't heard of it ever, but how does this tie into anything?"

"Let's say I learned the history but I repeated it."

"Isn't that saying a little useless then?"

"You know, I knew doing it was bad but I have a theory."

"Which is?"

"I was tricked into doing it."

"Let's just start off with the basics Caitlin. What did you even do?"

"I may or may not have turned Taylor back into Killer Frost...."

"And why did the thought of that being a good idea ever- why? Just why? Why would this ever even occur that this could possibly be a good idea?"

"Savannah manipulated me and then proceeded to double cross me."


"I was really hesitant."

"Let's just back up. Taylor is now Killer Frost again? You turned her into her again?"

"Well, yes. Savannah convinced me to. She said she needed to speak to her and Taylor wouldn't let her. I was also desperate to prove Killer Frost was a decent person and well...both were wrong I guess."

"What did Savannah do Caitlin?"

"Well she tried to kill me for one. Frost stopped her though."

"Wait, she tried to kill you?"

"Yeah. Savannah used me to get Killer Frost. Apparently she has some plan."

"Oh no."

"I know."

"Taylor, told me she was sick. I didn't listen,
I thought she was just trying to get me back to her."

"No, your daughter is crazy. Henry is still here right?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"I just want to make sure everyone is in one place. We got a storm coming Joe."

Killer Frost's Pov
I see Caity desperately run out in fear.

"Savannah, you can't hurt her. Literally, hurt me before her."

"Why do you love her so much?"

"We could use her."

"Good idea."

That might be a lie but I care too much about Caitlin. I thought I would never care about another person ever again.

"Okay, if you're going to be a villain, you're going to need a outfit. I really hope you got me my old one."

"Yep. I found it."

"Good girl. What do you have to wear that's actually decently evil?"

"I have an idea."

She steps away for a few moments to look through her stuff and she also gives me my outfit from 16 years ago.

"How does this look Frost?"

"It's perfect."

She's wearing a navy jacket with some black leather looking pants. She also has a blue top underneath.

"I have our plan."

"Is it decent?"



"It'll work just as long as Joe and them don't get in our way."

"We can take care of them. What's the first thing to do?"

"The first part is to just make our start. Start a little big just for people to know who is in charge."

"I like it."

"Let's go."

I know what I am doing is wrong. I honestly don't know if I want to do this but I still am. It's almost like I have to because I don't know any other way.

We both eventually arrive at one of the most iconic buildings of all time.

The Empire State Building.

Authors Note: This was a shorter chapter but I didn't know what else to write lol.

What do you think Savannah and Killer Frost are going to do to the building?

Teaser: "S.T.A.R labs does."

"Star labs?"

"Science technology advanced research. It's where the particle accelerator explosion was."

-Caitlin and Joe

(If you watch the show you know what's relevant about S.T.A.R labs.)




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