I'm your American Queen

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Killer Frost's Pov
Savannah and I end up on the outskirts of town again waiting for the news to basically tell the entire world what has happened. After it's announced, we make our move to take over.

Savannah and I hide in an alley way where the cops hopefully won't come to. We sit by the wall and start to talk. I'm a little afraid of what she'll tell me to be honest.

"Frost, I saw you back there. You stopped helping."

"I'm pretty old Savannah. My powers don't work like they used to." I lie.

"You were not having issues when the FBI showed up or any of the other attacks. I don't think you want to go through with this anymore."

"I do."

"When are you going to prove it?"

"I've proved it already. I went to the bridge with you, the statue of liberty, the blizzard, all of it."

"And all of those were my ideas. You just tagged along."

"I didn't tag along. I agreed to this plan."

"I am done taking orders from you, Frost. I've planned this and I expected you to be able to follow through with the plan. You are not listening so I am going to stop listening."

"Savannah, you don't know how to do this. I've been doing this for 22 years Savannah. I know what I am doing."

"How could you be doing this for 22 years when the particle accelerator went off in 2018?"

"It doesn't matter. All I know is that I am much smarter and skilled than you."

"But I am at least a villain. I don't know what the hell you are but you're not a villain."

"You don't get to tell me what I am and what I am not!'

"I can do whatever the hell I want. It's your choice whether you listen or not."

"Okay. I'll step up then."

"I really doubt it frost but I'll give you one more chance."

"One more chance until what?"

"If you do something like that again, you are going to leave this. I can't have you anymore if you keep screwing up."

"Okay." I say looking down in shame.

Caitlin's Pov
Barry and I watch the tv live as the Brooklyn Bridge starts to fall apart piece by piece. I can hear the sirens on the tv and it all ends with them leaving.

I don't know what to do anymore to be quite honest. Why does this have to be happening to me. Why now? They're couldn't be a worse time then now probably.

Just looking at the tv makes my stomach feel pain almost. I just feel so sick and like nothing is almost moving. My vision starts to turn blurry as it shows the damage. Shock purely runs through my body and I feel my stomach churn.

I run to the bathroom and quickly as possible try to get my hair up.  I end up throwing up and the pain is just awful.  I don't know what to do anymore. Tears stream down my face with the thought of loosing them. The thought of loosing this city and the thought of loosing everything I have. My family, my life, and everything else.

Barry knocks softly on the door and I just sit against the wall.

"Cait, are you okay? Can I come in?"

"Yeah I guess."

He opens the door and walks in. He sees me crying on the bathroom floor basically and he just has so much pity in his eyes. He sits on the floor with me.

"It'll be fine Caitlin."

"It won't. You don't understand. No matter what the outcome of this situation is nothing good will happen to us."

"Let me understand then."

"Even if we do get Savannah and Taylor back nothing will be the same. I won't be okay. I never will be."

"Henry and I will be fine Caitlin."

"What about me? What about me when this is all over? How am I supposed to deal with the fact that I'm- How? How Barry?"

"I knew something was happening to you. Please tell me Caitlin."

"I'm so sorry but I can't. I can't."

I put my head into my hands and cry. He puts his arm around me and pulls me in. He brushes my hair and I just cry.

"Please tell me what's wrong." He says gently but I give no reply.

"Okay then." He says while I continue to sob in his arms.
Authors note: This wasn't much of a chapter. It's mostly just escalating the plot. Next chapter takes place a month later.

I am mostly done with the book. I need to write about three more chapters.

When do you think Caitlin tells the truth?

Teaser: "They have enough on their minds with Savannah and Taylor. I don't need them to think they'll loose someone else."

"They're going to find out eventually and the longer you keep it a secret, the worse it's gonna get."

-Caitlin and Joe





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