Don't Throw Away a Good Thing

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Two weeks later
Savannah's Pov
I walk down the street of New York attempting to find a bodega. It seems like whenever I don't need them they're just everywhere. Now that I need one I can't find it.

I see a sign lighting up that says store on it and I quickly walk thinking it might be it.
There it is. A tiny little store with also at the same time everything.

Me not being in the mood to look just asks.

"Do you have any paper maps of New York City?"

"No one uses those anymore. Why would you need those?"

"Do you?"

"Yeah. There in the back by the postcards." He points me to the direction and I take a few of them not caring.

"Here." I set the maps on the counter.

"That'll be $19.89." I hand him the money and start to run back. I have some planning to do.

I quickly get back to the house and set out a map on my desk. I take a red marker and circle where to begin.

The Empire State Building.

I take the marker and start to draw more. Frost and I will slowly start to take over one place at a time.

I circle where the stopping point is. By this point this city will be on its knees.

I fold up the map and put it in my desk. I grab a different one from the pile I bought and pin it to the wall. I make an icicle from my hand and shoot it, attempting to hit the red circle from the beginning.

It misses and hits a picture of my mom and I that's sitting on the table below the map.


Taylor's Pov
I hear some glass shatter from upstairs but I have stopped caring about what Savannah does, so I don't even try and see with the issue is. She has seriously starting getting out of hand.

She said she stopped using her powers but she definitely also stopped trying in school. I don't know what to do.

My third week pretty much just sitting here on the couch...doing nothing. I still just don't have the energy in me to do anything.

I hear a soft knock on the door. No one is supposed to be coming.

I take almost all the energy in my body just to get myself to the door. When I open it I'm confused because she usually calls before she comes over.



"What do you need."

"I'm sorry."

"What do you mean?"

She pulls out a large orange envelope and hands them to me.

"Legally, Joe, couldn't give them to you. He asked me to."

I quickly start to open the envelope and when I look in there's just papers full with black text.

"Please don't tell me this is what I think they are, Caitlin."

"I'm sorry."

"I need to talk to him."

"I'm not sure that's the best idea Taylor."

"If you got these from him then you know where he's staying. Right?"

"Well, I mean, yeah. Do you not know?"

"No, I do not know and I need you to tell me Caitlin!"

"If he didn't tell you where he was then he probably doesn't want you to know. I probably shouldn't tell you."

"Oh, good lord, CAITLIN! You're still a little fangirl when it comes to Joe and I. Everything that a swiftie loves about Jaylor will be gone. New Year's Day, taking off dresses, spilling wine in a bath tub, all of it will be gone because you weren't a decent swiftie! Do you want me to remove Super Swiftie level from The Swift Life?"



"Houston street. His apartment is 1013."

"Thank you Caitlin. You just made a lot of swifties happy."

"What are you going to do?"

"Try and not get a divorce!" I say holding the papers and walking out the door.

"I still get to keep my rank in The Swift Life right?"


I actually don't think I can even change her rank. All I know is that it's been this long and some people still use that app. Including her.

I drive quickly in my car and when I get to the door of his apartment I start to knock repeatedly.

"Can you stop?" He asks opening the door.

"What the hell is this?" I ask holding up the divorce papers.

"Divorce papers Taylor. Did you really need to come here just for clarification?"

I roll my eyes and shrug in frustration.

"We can't get a divorce."

"Well, we are."

"Please, Joe. Our daughter is sick. These powers are messing with her. Not Killer Frost sick but the power is going to her head. We need to help her and splitting up isn't going to help that."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You wouldn't answer me."

"Taylor, I'm so incredibly mad right now. When I looked at you, I saw someone I loved and beauty. Everything I wanted was there. Now when I look at you all I feel is anger."

"Joe, come on. Please, do this for our daughter."

"You're lying to yourself Taylor. You just don't want me to leave."

"Of course I don't want you to leave."

"You know what? Fine. I'll cancel it but I'm going to keep living here. Maybe we'll eventually get back together but I really honestly need some space from you right now."

"Thank you."

"Until we decide what our relationship is, you can keep the girls since there's not enough room here. I'll pick them up from school and they can come over and stay for dinner. They then go to your house for the rest of the night and to sleep."

"What about the weekend."

"We switch off."


"You can go now Taylor."

I turn around and start to walk back.

"One more thing." I say a few feet away.

I turn back around and walk back up to him. I kiss him just hoping this isn't the last kiss.

I pull my lips off of his and look at him.

"I love you." I say gently.

"I know and I loved you."

It just feels like I got 500 knifes stabbed in the heart right now. I walk back in shame to the car and just drive back. I don't know what to do. Do I cry? Am I happy? Not happy definitely.

I don't know.

Authors Note: I finally finished planning the end of the book and it looks like it's going to be the last one 😭
There's always my other books though.

JAYLOR THOUGH. MY HEART. (Crying internally even though I could have just kept them together but I didn't for some reason.)

Will I have a Caitlin Pov next chapter? (Idk the odds are pretty high even though I haven't even wrote it.)

Teaser: "Savannah, what are you doing here?"

"I need your help."

-Caitlin and Savannah



A Freezing Heart (A Taylor Swift/Killer Frost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now