Built to Fall Apart

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Just a heads up, the Pov changes like four times.

A week later
Henry's Pov
I walk downstairs waiting for my mom to pretty much yell at me for being late for school again. It's Monday morning though, I don't have any real dedication today.

I don't see her waiting for me with my school bag though.

"Mom?" I yell.

I look around attempting to find her. She's probably in her office but I'm scared to go in there at this point. Trying to overcome the fear I open the door and her head is on her computer and she's passed out.


She scrambles quickly to get up and is completely lost it seems like.

"What time is it?"

"We need to leave for school."

She grabs her purse and stands up but struggles to stay standing.

"Let's go."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" She snaps at me.

I decide to shut up out of honest fear.

I grab my bag that's on the floor. I guess I'm not getting lunch today but it's fine.

When we start to drive she's completely silent which is definitely weird for Caitlin Snow.

"Maybe Dad should start taking me to school."

"Your Dad has to go to work early. I don't go until later Henry." She sounds almost angry.

Caitlin Snow is one of the sweetest people to exist. What's happening to her?

I get out of the car and again, start to run to class so I can make it on time.

Savannah's Pov
I drag myself to my first class of the day. Is there even a point of going? I walk into class and sit down. Mr. Davidson starts to pass back out the quiz we took yesterday. I look at my score and it's 56%.

I honestly don't care at this point. I crumble it up and toss it into my backpack. The frozen feeling continues to stay there and it's starting to destroy me. I have no energy to do anything. It's all that I think about. It's taking over my life.

The class seems to last forever but finally the bell rings and I take my backpack. When I head to math I know Ms Hayes is not going to be happy with me.

She starts to check homework and when she walks over to me she looks with disappointment.

"Savannah, where's your homework?"

"I don't have it."

"Why not?"

"I didn't do it."

"I want you to talk to me after class."

I roll my eyes and pull out a notebook for writing notes on. Even though I don't take them I make it look like I do.

When the bell rings I walk over to her desk.

"Savannah, you were a good student. You turned in all your assignments and got good grades on your tests. What made that all change so quickly?"

"It's none of your business."

"I'm going to have to email your parents Savannah."

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