Promise me this

214 10 73

May 8th 2036
Caitlin's Pov
"NNNNNNOOOOOOO!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I see Killer Frosts body slowly collapse. Savannah starts to pace in the room and Joe just stays silent. She falls to her knees and then all the way to the ground.

Everything is blurry. It feels like the world has gone silent except for a ring. I stand in pure shock until I realize I might be able to help her. I quickly run over to her and start to analyze the damage.

Frost struggles breathing and has her hand over the wound.

"Caity..." she starts to speak but coughs up blood.

"I'm going to see what I can do."

I look down at her and there's an icicle running through her heart.


"I can help you. Your metabolic rate offsets cold tissue destruction."

"Caity, we both know there's nothing you can do. You can't save me."

"Please." I start to cry looking at her.

"Caity...Caitlin. Thank you for saving me."

"What do you mean? I can't."

"You saved me. I didn't want to be evil but it's all I knew how to be. You're the only person who could convince me that I didn't need to be anymore."

"Frost, don't talk like this."

"Caitlin, you understood me. I want the rest of the world to know that I was misunderstood. Okay?"


She starts to turn back to Taylor and when she's finally Taylor again she's barely alive.

"What happened?" She picks up her hand and looks at the blood. She sees the amount of blood pouring out of her and realizes her fate.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly.

"You can't save me."

"I can't."

"I want you to accept that Caitlin. You tried so many times to save people you loved and it didn't work. You're going to move on this time."

"Okay." I grab her hand and she looks at me in the face.

"You were my best friend Caitlin."

"And you were mine."

Joe comes running over once he realizes Taylor is back and I let him have a moment with her. Tears stream down my face as I watch my best friend slowly die.

Taylor's Pov
I'm going to die. I wasn't really ever afraid of death but I didn't think I would die this early. I wanted to live longer than this. I feel the pain of the ice running through my heart and it's like I can feel it stopping and being torn.

My body is shivering and small tears run down my face when I start to come to terms with my fate.

Joe gets down and grabs my hand tightly.

"Taylor, I'm sorry. I should have never let you go."

"It's okay."

"I was mad but I'm not anymore. I love you more than anything in the world. I wanted to clean up bottles with you and share midnights until we died. I didn't want it to be like this though."

"Joe, you were the best thing that ever happened to me. You loved me when I didn't understand what love was or why someone would fall in love. It didn't matter what the world thought when I was with you." I continue to speak but I can barely hang on at this point.

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