Is this the end of all the endings

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6 months after the funeral
Caitlin's Pov
I walk into my sanctuary, my office. I just stand there and pretty much wandering into space. I put my hands over my stomach and attempt breathing pretty much. It's dimly lit and it's covered in dust. There's still a stack of papers on my desk from before.

"Cait..."' I turn around to see Barry peaking his head in the room.

I turn back around with my head down.

"Hey." I say softly.

"What's wrong?" He asks starting to walk in.

"It's nothing."

"It's clearly not. You look like you're about to cry."

"I feel guilty." I finally admit.

He takes a deep breath and walks in front of me. He puts his hand on my shoulder as I tear up.

"You have no reason to feel guilty, Cait."

"I'm replacing her, Barry."

"No you're not."

"I was so afraid of having another child after Melissa. I was always afraid because I knew I would feel like this."

"I knew you were afraid. We fought over it for years until I let it go."

"What if when I have this baby and every time I see look at my child, I see Melissa."

"Caitlin, it's been 11 years. You will be okay and I know that. You're still here."

"Some people aren't though."

"We all had to deal with loosing Taylor."

"You knew us, Barry. She was my person. I know that Grey's Anatomy ended over a decade ago but Taylor and I didn't care. We would watch reruns. We had some of the best memories in the world and I miss her."

"We all do. We've lost people Caitlin. You know what we've done though? We've moved on."

"I clearly have a hard time doing that."

"I know you do. I don't expect you to move on soon."

"It's more frustrating because one of the last things Taylor told me was to 'move on.' She said to 'not obsess over the fact I didn't save her'. I want to move on so badly but I can't."

"Time heals more than you think."

"I remember back in 2019, Taylor told me the same thing."

"It's because it's true. Caitlin, I've known you long enough to know how you grieve."

"And how is that?"

"You don't do it."

"I've been grieving for the past six months Barry."

"When you loose try to pretend it didn't happen. You did this with Melissa and I can tell you're doing the same with Taylor. You try to pretend that the person never existed."

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