We rule the kingdom

111 10 18

One month later
Caitlin's Pov
It's been one month since the last time Savannah and Killer Frost attacked. Even though they haven't attacked, the city has completely fallen apart. When they destroyed everything, everyone left. This city has been abandoned out of fear.

'Fear' is the way to describe the way everyone lives now.

I stare again up at the dark ceiling in the middle of the night. I couldn't tell you the last time I actually got a decent amount of sleep. It mostly consists of me trying to sleep but waking up from nightmares and anxiety attacks.

The city is almost dark now. Power has gone out it some places and there is so much violence now. You can barely walk the streets at this point because you'll probably get mugged.

Joe, Scarlett, Henry, Barry and I have all stayed in the same place. This apartment is the only place I can live now.

I have my hands on my stomach as I just lay down, completely filled with anxiety.

I'm still lying on a daily basis. Well, I'm not lying, I'm just keeping a secret. A secret that I should tell but it seems impossible right now. If I did now then I'll have to admit it's happening and just the time it's happening is terrible.

I silently cry like I have been doing everyday for over a month. It's like I can't breathe anymore. Every breath isn't enough.

As the sun rises, I pull myself together and put a mask on. Everything is fine for Caitlin Snow. I think we all know what the definition of 'fine' is though.

I take another deep breath before getting up and looking outside the window. I just want to see something good but it's not. I see military officers walking down the streets with guns. After the Brooklyn Bridge attack they started showing up. People were hopeful because they though the military could stop them.

They haven't and I know they won't. Every person that's tried to step into the Empire State Building hasn't come out alive.

I don't know what Killer Frost and Savannah are up to these days but they've been hiding in the Empire State Building.

I close the curtains to the window because I can barely stand to look at our reality now.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a small bag of chips. My entire life at this point is Barry, Henry, anxiety and chips.

"You're going to get fat off of chips." Barry says walking into the kitchen.

"Does it even matter anymore? All our lives are awful now."

"Pessimistic much?"

"I can't do this anymore, Barry. We need to leave and save ourselves."

"We can't abandon Taylor or Savannah."

"We can when it's putting our family in danger."

"We will be fine Caitlin. If we leave then they'll just have more power. You're the only reason Killer Frost is somewhat decent."

"I know that but I need to protect myself."

"It's not like you to put yourself before others,

"Well, it's not like Savannah to go and frickin take over an entire city."

"What is happening to you? What happened to the Caitlin Snow I knew and loved?"

"I think you know Barry."

"I really don't. Just let me understand."

"Just please leave me alone."

"Okay." He says slowly turning around and leaving me.

I shouldn't have done that. I didn't mean it but I can barely control my emotions right now. I continue to eat my chips but I get another visitor. Joe walks to me and he's honestly the last person I want to see.



"You need to tell them."

"They have enough on their minds with Savannah and Taylor. I don't need them to think they'll loose someone else."

"They're going to find out eventually and the longer you keep it a secret, the worse it's gonna get."

"So what I keep it a secret? I've built my entire life off of lies and secrets. It's who I am and have always been. The truth is easier to ignore it."

"I know. It is easier to ignore but you're hurting and everyone can tell. Telling them would make it so much easier."

"It won't."

"Cait, you know it's the right decision to tell them."

"I won't let them worry about another thing."

"Don't you see Caitlin? They're already worrying about another thing!"

"And what else could they possibly worry about?"

"You, Caitlin. Everyone is so worried about you and you aren't doing anything to fix it!"

"Just leave me alone."

"You know I can't do that."

I just try to ignore him by stuffing my face with a few more chips.

"You know that other people like chips too?"

"If I'm gonna be miserable, I might as well have chips by my side."

He snatches the chip bag from my hand and puts it away.


"You don't need more chips, Caitlin."

Killer Frost's Pov
Savannah and I sit at one of the top levels on the Empire State Building and I just look down at the floor. I cross my hands together and take a deep breath trying to hold back tears.

"Why are you sad Frost? This city is at its knees and we have all the power."

"Have you looked outside Savannah? People are terrified and there's barely any power left."

"And what's your point? We got everything we could ever want Frost. Are you saying you don't want to do this anymore?"

"I- um. Well, of course I do." I lie out of fear. I honestly used to never be terrified but Savannah has the ability to kill me and she wouldn't hold back.

"Good, because you know what we need to do."

"I'm just a little scared."

"Frost, can you stop being annoying and man up. Or woman up, whatever."

"It's just the last time I was on top of the world like this, it ended poorly. I don't want to go through that again."

"Your past is still messing with you Frost!"

"Maybe if I told you, you would have a little empathy."

"Then go ahead."
Authors note: Next chapter will all be about Killer Frost's past. Caitlin is very salty and sad though 😭

Why do I keep hurting my favs?

What do you think killer Frosts past will look like?

(The show never tells you so I made up my own reason lol.)

Teaser: "Crystal Frost died. Do you want to know why?"

"Why then did Crystal supposedly die?"

"Because I said 'yes'."

-Killer Frost and Savannah

(What do you think she said yes to)





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