It was Hard to Take

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Scarlett's Pov
I get off the couch not really wanted to deal with my dad and Caitlin's arguing. They are cool people I guess but seriously. It's a mess right now.

I walk over to Henry and sit next to him. We both look down silent. I attempt to break it.


"Hey." He says with just pure sadness.

"It's really scary, I know."

"It's not that."

"Oh, what is it then."

"I'm kinda tired of secrets. My entire life I thought I knew everything. I thought everything was okay. In a matter of weeks my entire life just changed."

"I feel a lot like that too."

"I don't understand why our parents just kept secrets like that."

"I don't really either. From what it sounds like they just don't want to hurt someone or feel like they can deal with the problem by themselves."

"I just don't get it."

"I think they just don't realize when they truly need to ask for help."

"The secrets though. Why?"

"They just wanted us to believe everything in the world was okay."

"Well, it's not."

"What did your parents keep from you?"

"Stuff they should have told me. I had a younger sister apparently."


"She died 11 years ago."

"I mean, I guess you could see where they were coming from. They probably didn't want to talk about it. I can't imagine what that would feel like."

"My mom is also literally psychotic. She sometimes has hallucinations and she would see her dead fiancé."

"She has a dead fiancé?"

"Apparently she was going to marry someone named Ronnie before my dad."

"It seems like all the secrets she had weren't to protect you. They were to protect herself. The less people knew about her the safer she felt."

"I thought I knew her."

"I felt like I knew my mom too but I apparently I didn't."

"What did she keep from you?"

"All the meta-human stuff and Killer Frost. I didn't know about it until a few days ago. She kept Savannah's powers a secret too."

"What's with our parents and secrets?"

"I don't know."

He grabs my hand and we both smile.

Caitlin's Pov
I look at the bag of chips and it's empty. I sigh as I crumple it up.

"I can't believe we just ate the entire bag." I say looking at the crumpled up bag.

"It was mostly you."

"I like chips."

We stare at the tv waiting for any news. It's mostly a reporter just talking about the storm but they don't know Killer Frost and Savannah are the ones who caused it.

"We now have breaking news." The reporter says.

Joe and I both sit up with a dead stare at the television.

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