You saw me start to believe for the first time

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2 months after the funeral
Caitlins Pov
So, my secret got out. The secret that I kept for three months. The secret that destroyed me and the secret that causes me to silently cry. The secret that kept me up in the middle of the night and the secret that gave me nightmares.

I kept a lot of secrets in my life. The top three were Melissa, Psychosis and my third pregnancy. Each one of those secrets had one thing in common.


I was scared with the thought of loosing Melissa and I did. I was scared of who I was after psychosis. I was scared about having another child.

Each one of those secrets I had the same response. Putting up walls to try and not deal with that reality. I didn't want them.

I go to the kitchen to get the only thing I crave, which is chips. The most tragic thing happens though. We don't have any.


"What?" He asks walking in.

"We don't have any chips."

"If you didn't eat like seventeen bags a day then maybe we would have some."

"Don't blame me, you did this to me."

He rolls his eyes as walks over to me.

"I really want to not be pregnant because I really hate eating chips all the time."

He laughs at me and kisses me on the forehead.

"I knew chips wasn't a stress thing."

"It's a stupid pregnancy craving and I hate it."

"I know." He says continuing to laugh.

"Please don't laugh at me."

"Caitlin, I know you've been refusing to but you're five months pregnant. You're supposed to have check ups and prenatal care."

"I'll be okay Barry."

"You won't. You're terrified and I can tell Caitlin."

"I'm not scared. Why would I be scared?"

"You've ignored this for months. You don't even want to do this almost."

"I just don't want someone else to die in my life."

"If we don't get a check up then you might just be asking for it."

"I know what I'm doing."

"No you don't! You don't want to accept this and you're doing everything in your power to avoid it. Do you even want to have this baby?"

"Of course I do..."

"Then why won't you let me take you to the doctor or something?"

"The City is-"

"The City isn't completely dead now. You've already used that excuse. After Taylor died and Savannah left they were able to rebuild the city. Everything is fine now. You don't have an excuse anymore."

"Can you please leave me alone?"

"What about we go out then and get more chips?"

"Or that."

"Let's go get in the car."

We start driving and when the car moves it seems to not be going to the direction of a store of any kind but I ignore it.

When the car stops I finally realize where he's taken me.

"No, no, no, Barry. Please, no." I beg.

A Freezing Heart (A Taylor Swift/Killer Frost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now