They'll Tell You I'm Insane

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(I finally got to Savannah guys lol)
Savannah's Pov
I fall down on my bed just so angry. How could my mom keep something like this from us?

I try and breathe just to calm down. I need more answers. I try to open the door but it won't. I look at the door knob and it's completely covered in ice.

What is happening to me?

I write down everything that has been going wrong and I'm still lost. Wait. I've been looking at all of this the wrong way.

If my mom is a meta human she much have some type of gene or something.
I walk to the door knob again.

She passed her powers down to me. I'm turning into her. I grab a glass of water next to my nightstand. I stop trying to shut down the frozen feeling and try to see if my theory is true. I close my eyes for the moment of truth and when I open them the entire glass is frozen solid.

I turn it upside down and nothing falls out. The water turned to ice.

Am I going to be like Killer Frost though?

I look at my hands and don't deny what's happening. My hands have a foggy mist coming out of them. I think I'm going to have fun with this.

I'm not going to be like my mom, I'm not going to shut them out.

I walk to the door again and freeze the door knob more, so much to where it shatters. I open the door and when I turn around and look at the mirror my eyes are lighting up. Parts of my hair are a silver white color.

This is what it's like to be using these powers. I feel the power running through my veins. I start to walk down the stairs and run my hand against the wall. The parts I touch have lines of ice.

My mom said she couldn't control it. When she used her powers she turned to a different person. I'm not though.

I get to the living room prepared to leave but stop in my tracks when the door opens. I shut down my powers and I see my hair starting to turn back to it's natural color from the reflection in the window.

Taylor walks in with Caitlin.

"Savannah, what are you doing?"

"Can a girl just walk down to the living room?"

"You were using your powers."

"How do you know?"

"The hair takes time to turn back."

I look away not really wanting to deal with her.

"Mom, I'm sixteen. I can do what I want."

"We will discuss this in a moment."

"No we won't!"

She rolls her eyes and walks away with Caitlin to the guest room.

Taylor's Pov
She's turning into something I can't handle anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. I have too many issues and no answers to solve any of them.

I set Caitlin down in the bed and put a blanket over her. She holds the picture like a child with a stuffed animal.

"Caitlin, you need to get some rest now."

A Freezing Heart (A Taylor Swift/Killer Frost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now