Picture to Burn

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A week later
Henry's Pov
I haven't even bothered trying to go home after school. I just go to Taylor's house. My dad picks me up on his way back from work usually and when we get there my mom is in her office.

I walk out the school doors with Scarlett again after the day ends. I stand with her and we both look at Taylor.

"I'm sorry but you can't come over today Henry." Taylor tells me.

"Can you at least take me home?" I ask her.

"I guess so."

"Thank you."

We get into the car and start to drive to my house. I'm not going to lie. I'm a bit terrified.

"Your mom has just been fine with you coming over every day like this?"

"She hasn't really noticed."

"Wait, you didn't even ask?"

"Well, no."

"Something is up with her."

"I know."

When she drops me off I take a deep breath and walk in the door. I hear her screaming like she's almost arguing with someone and glass shatter.


Caitlin's Pov
"You can't save her Caitlin."

"Yes I can." I say starting to loose my temper.

"You couldn't save me or Melissa."

"I don't need this from you Ronnie."

"I can't believe you just moved on."

"Well, you're dead Ronnie."

"Just take a break for a moment Cait." He takes my hand and I attempt to stand up.

"I can't though, I have to save her."

"Don't you understand Caitlin? You can't."


"You couldn't even save your own daughter."


"Well, she still died, didn't she?"

"I don't need this right now Ronnie!"

I turn around and see a small toddler standing. It's Melissa.

"Mama." She says softly.

"I'm so sorry I let you die."

I get down on the floor and look at her.

"You're my beautiful girl."

I wrap my arms around her and start to cry.

"You didn't save her did you now Cait?" I hear Ronnie start to speak again.

In anger I stand up.

"I TRIED. I tried so hard."

"Well it wasn't enough."

The yelling causes Melissa to cry.

"It's okay baby."

"It's not though, is it Cait?"

"This isn't real!" I scream.

I look in my desk for a picture frame. I look at the frame and when I turn around and see Melissa, I break down.

I toss the frame across the room and it shatters.

I sit on floor and put my back against the wall.

A Freezing Heart (A Taylor Swift/Killer Frost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now