We Argue

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13 days later
Savannah's Pov
I take my hand and try really hard to just let go and use my power again. A icicle forms in my hand and I stand up in excitement. I finally did it. I've been practicing with my powers a lot and gotten a lot better.

"SAVANNAH!" I hear my mom pretty much scream.

What have I done now? I open the door to my room and start to walk down the stairs but she has a death stare.

"What?" I ask angrily.

We haven't had the best relationship since I found out about Killer Frost.

"You're failing every class." She says holding up my report card.

"Your point?"

"You can't just give up on school. You were a good student. What happened?"

"You know exactly what happened."

"I know. I just wish you were more like your sister."


"That came out wrong. You used to be a cute little geeky nerd who loved reading books and just staying home. You changed so quickly. Just let me try and help you."

"Like you helped Kanye West?"


Or like you helped Caitlin? For a singer song writer, you sure let a lot of people down."

"This isn't you, it's the powers. You're sick Savannah."

"This is a gift mom. Why would you care though? You got your kids, a husband. That's what you wanted right?"

"I mean-"

"You don't care about what makes me happy. You got what you want and you got your happy ending. Everyone else be damned."

"Of course I care if you're happy Savannah. I just want to help you, look at yourself. This isn't something you would do."


In pure anger and frustration I lift my hands up with frosting coming out of them.

"Savannah, what are you doing?"

I start to inch closer to her but the entire situation is interrupted when a door opens. We both look and it's my dad.

Taylor's Pov
The door to my bedroom opens and Joe walks out. Oh no. No,no,no,no.

Her being is shock of him walking in, she puts her hands away and lets her powers down.

"What is this?" He asks.

"It's not what it looks like." Savannah says trying to convince him she's not like me.

I'm not sure why she is fighting the idea of him knowing but she is.

"Tell me what's going on right now." He starts to raise his voice.

"Savannah leave. You don't need to be here for this."

She turns around quickly and runs up the stairs.

"What did I just see?"

"She has them. She has the powers."

"How long have you known Taylor?"

A Freezing Heart (A Taylor Swift/Killer Frost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now