// I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you //

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After last night with Matty telling me that The 1975 are heading back on tour soon, I decided to get to know the band a little better since I won’t be seeing them for a while. I invited Ross, George and Adam over for a Lord of the Rings marathon. I have no idea if they like or have ever seen the movies, but the LOTR trilogy is my favourite. At about 12:05pm, there was a knock at the door. I answered it to see the boys standing in my doorway with a bag of microwave popcorn and a different bag full of weed.

“Hey guys, come in” I smiled at them and they all walked into my lounge room. As Matty walked in, he gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me blush just the slightest. He winked at me and then sat down on the couch. George started to roll some joints and I went and cooked the popcorn. I came back and put in the dvd for the first movie, The Fellowship of the Ring. I’ve been a fan of Lord of the Rings since I was a little kid. My father used to read me a chapter a night of the books and each year we’d have our annual Lord of the Rings marathon. I always used to wish I could go off with the elves and live in Rivendell- I still do. Anyway, we watched the first movie while smoking a wee bit of weed and then moved onto the second one straight away. Adam had never seen or read Lord of the Rings, so it was great to sit there and watch his reactions to different parts of each movie. Watching every movie took around 9 hours, but it’s always worth it. By the time we finished the last movie, we were all stoned off our tits. We decided that it would be a good idea to order as much food as possible. It was about 9:00pm so everything was still open. We also decided to raid my kitchen, getting nutella and peanut butter over everything in the process. There was a knock at my door from the people who deliver the food at the local Chinese restaurant that Matty and I ordered from the other night. About 10 minutes later, the pizza arrived. After that, Thai food. And finally, fish and chips. We all had a glass of bourbon each, then some wine and then a shot of vodka each. We ate every last bit of the food, no leftovers; nothing. We put on music and danced and sang along, Matty’s amazing voice just flowing through my ears and getting stuck in my brain, like a fly gets stuck in a cobweb.

“Maddy, I love you!” Matty shouted over the music.

“Love you too, Matty!” I shouted back. I knew he meant it as a platonic thing, because Matty Healy doesn’t fall in love, and neither do I. We’re just friends- friends who like to do bad things with each other. Friends who like to spend a lot of time together and have sex and in the morning, we’re still just friends. It’s what we both want the most. We want to spend time with each other, but not romantic time. We want to see each other constantly, even when we’re together. But just as friends. I love Matty, but I don’t love him- not yet, anyway. And that’s just how he feels about me as well. By the end of the night, nobody was sober enough to drive or even find their way home, so they all crashed at mine, Matty sharing the bed with me, George on the sofa, Ross the armchair and Adam passed out in the kitchen. I put a pillow under Adams head and wished him a good night’s sleep. Matty and I didn’t have sex that night. We just cuddled, whispered our drunken thoughts to each other and shared soft, innocent kisses. And that’s when I realised: I was falling in love with him.

A/N guys, I finally updated! I cannot tell you how sorry I am for such a slow update, but I really hope you enjoy this chapter. The plot has basically been set now and I can write a lot better, so yay! Next few chapter will probably be much longer c:

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