// I'd rather be getting high than watching my family die //

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Another two months passed and I was just starting to show at 3 and a half months. Right now, our baby was a little peanut as Matty liked to call it. I’d met Matty’s mum and she is honestly the loveliest woman I have ever met. Plus she cooks the best roast chicken, not gonna lie. She’s been really supportive of me and Matty. She doesn’t even care about the age difference. She’s just glad that I’m the one carrying her grandchild. Matty and I have been discussing names lately, and he’s already read all of the books. We’re thinking Freddie or Linkin for a boy, and Faye or Hayley for a girl. We’re so happy that this is happening, like it’s a sign that we’re meant to be together. Cliché, I know, but it’s just how we think of the situation.

Tomorrow we’re going out shopping, just picking up the essentials like a car seat and crib before we buy any toys or anything. I want to buy a mix of girls and boys toys, just so our baby has a choice and Matty thinks that’s a great idea. We’ll be getting clothes once we find out the gender. Matty had cut down on smoking because he doesn’t want to ‘poison our baby’ and was trying to quit. He has announced over instagram that we are having a baby and has posted photos of everything, like my baby bump. A vast majority of the fans have been incredibly supportive. They know that Matty has a life outside of the band and that I’m in the picture and all of the comments they’ve posted to us have been lovely. But there are still some fans that are incredibly rude towards me. Lots of name calling like ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ and ‘you don’t deserve Matty’. One girl even wished that our baby died. Matty blocked her instantly. Denise, Matty’s mum, has been giving us a lot of advice about being parents; all of the responsibilities that come with it. But I just know that it’s gonna be great. Matty and I settled in under the covers in bed. He wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my belly gently and we were soon fast asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night with incredibly bad pains in my stomach. It obviously wasn’t labour; I was far too early into the pregnancy to be in labour. I felt a wetness underneath me and turned on the lamp on the table besides the bed. All I saw was blood. It was everywhere over our white sheets. I was bleeding. I was bleeding heavily. This wasn’t normal. I woke Matty up in a hurry and we rushed to the hospital, but even though we were rushing everything felt like it was in slow motion. Matty ran in through the ER with me in a wheelchair and told the nurse what was happening. She rushed me straight into a ward and we were sat there while they did some tests. All that was going through my head was ‘is my baby safe?’ and ‘is my baby okay?’. We were waiting for 3 hours before the doctor came back. As I saw him walking towards us, everything was in slow motion again. He pulled up a chair and sat down beside us.

“I’m really sorry to tell you this, Miss Wellington. You’ve had a miscarriage. This is very common in the early stages of pregnancy. Early pregnancy loss usually happens because the embryo is not developing as it should. Chromosome problems are thought to be the most common cause, but these problems usually happen for no obvious reason. I’m very sorry. You can always try again in a couple of months. I’ll leave you two alone for a little while” he said as he rubbed my back, then walked off. I’d blocked everything else out after I heard ‘miscarriage’. I looked over at Matty and he had his head in his hand. I started to cry then. I felt the lump in my throat and I couldn’t hold it down anymore. I let out a sob and covered my mouth with my hand, trying to soften the sound. Matty took my shoulder and I leaned into his chest, sobbing my heart out. I couldn’t believe that this was happening. Not to us. About half an hour later I had calmed down a little bit, so we checked out and drove home. We were silent the entire way to the flat. We got home and I sat down on the couch. I put my hand on my belly. I could already feel that our baby was gone. I instantly started to cry again. I cried all night.

A/N this chapter was meant to be longer but I had to stop writing bc I started crying ngl BY THE WAY IM SO SORRY FOR THIS.

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